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Queery: Collin Ranney

The ‘Best Little Whorehouse’ set designer answers 20 gay questions



Collin Ranney (Blade photo by Michael Key)

Now that heā€™s done with his masterā€™s program in theater design from University of Maryland, Collin Ranney is ā€œgiving D.C. a year.ā€

As a freelance designer ā€” he designs sets and costumes ā€” itā€™s ā€œa little scaryā€Ā but also, he says, ā€œdefinitely doable.ā€

One of his first post-school gigs, Signature Theatreā€™s ā€œBest Little Whorehouse in Texas,ā€ opened in previews this week, a show he began designing back in March. Heā€™s in meetings now at Studio Theatre for upcoming show ā€œThe Invisible Man.ā€

ā€œI think itā€™s the element of escape,ā€ he says of his career choice. ā€œBeing able to go other places whether itā€™s literally, figuratively or emotionally. Not that my life is horrible and Iā€™m trying to get away from it, but that element of being able to let myself go somewhere for a few hours in a dark room is great.ā€

The 25-year-old Buffalo, N.Y., native was a performer in high school and college but eventually moved more into design work. He still sometimes performs as his drag alter ego Birdie LaCage or sometimes sings karaoke out with friends, but professionally heā€™s content working behind the scenes for now.

He and his boyfriend of a year and a half, Michael Armstrong, live together in Logan Circle. Ranneyā€™s hobbies are inextricably tied to his work ā€” scale models, drawing, shopping, making headdresses, drafting and sewing. Though he does enjoy going out with friends, dancing and show tunes nights at JR.ā€™s for fun. (Blade photo by Michael Key)

How long have you been out and who was the hardest person to tell?

Coming out was a process for me over a course of a few years. The hardest person to tell was certainly my younger brother. For a while, I felt as though I would somehow disappoint him and suddenly become less of what he had always looked up to his whole life. Eventually, I realized that my being gay was a part of what he had always looked up to.

Who’s your LGBT hero?

I find ā€œheroā€ to be such a strong word. I donā€™t know that I would categorize any one person as my hero, but I am grateful to all the gay men who have come before me and my generation. They have allowed being gay to be a norm today.

What’s Washington’s best nightspot, past or present?Ā 

Town. I love having the option of hanging out or chilling with friends in the quiet room, to dancing on the floor (and sometimes the boxes), to catching up with my favorite queens.

Describe your dream wedding.

Liza Minnelli and swans on a rooftop at night!

What non-LGBT issue are you most passionate about?

No rhinestone left behind! And of course, Elaine Barrish for president (If you donā€™t get that reference, watch ā€œPolitical Animalsā€ ā€” itā€™s brilliant!)

What historical outcome would you change?

Changing history seems like it would cause quite the domino effect on everything that came after, but I still would have taken those damn pills away from Judy Garland before she overdosed!

What’s been the most memorable pop culture moment of your lifetime?

When Cher ended her farewell tour. And of course when Tom Cruise came out ā€”oh wait, did that happen yet?

On what do you insist?

Laughter. Oh, and feathers and rhinestones!

What was your last Facebook post or Tweet?

ā€œWhoring it up over at Signature. Make sure to come see the show next week.Ā  Scenic design by yours truly.ā€

If your life were a book, what would the title be?

I joke about this often actually, and being a Type I Diabetic, I would say: ā€œWhereā€™s My Glucometer? The Life and Times of Collin Ranney.ā€

If science discovered a way to change sexual orientation, what would you do?

Me personally? Nothing. But I think it should be required for everyone to get a day pass to experience the other side.

What do you believe in beyond the physical world?Ā 

Thereā€™s something beyond the physical world?

What’s your advice for LGBT movement leaders?

Dress better.

What would you walk across hot coals for?

That depends on how bad this side of the coals is ā€” I like my feet.

What LGBT stereotype annoys you most?

That thereā€™s such a thing as ā€œtopsā€ and ā€œbottoms.ā€ Versatility makes the world go ā€˜round.

What’s your favorite LGBT movie?

ā€œPriscilla, Queen of the Desert.ā€ How can one not adore that movie?

What’s the most overrated social custom?

Currently? Grindr. Show your faces (even if it means putting on some make-up) and get to the bar, boys! You can still show your torsos there, just wear a nice deep V.

What trophy or prize do you most covet?

Hmm. The Tony Award feels obvious, but itā€™d be nice. Though I donā€™t feel I need one to quantify my art, it would be nice.

What do you wish you’d known at 18?

To write everything down. Itā€™s going to be hard to remember it all when it comes time to make my Lifetime Original Movie.

Why Washington?

Because for me, itā€™s where Iā€™ve grown beyond childhood. Itā€™s where Iā€™ve found people, other than my family, whom I love. Itā€™s where my career has inevitably begun and where I feel part of a community.




PHOTOS: New York City Pride Parade

Annual LGBTQ march held in Manhattan



The 2024 New York City Pride Parade was held on June 30. (Washington Blade photo by Daniel Truitt)

The 2024 New York City Pride Parade wound through the streets of Manhattan and past the historic Stonewall Inn on Sunday, June 30.

(Washington Blade photos by Daniel Truitt)

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PHOTOS: Fredericksburg Pride

Fourth annual LGBTQ march and festival held in Virginia town



The 2024 Fredericksburg Pride March wound through the streets of Fredericksburg, Va. on Saturday. (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key)

The fourth annual Fredericksburg Pride march and festival was held at Riverfront Park in Fredericksburg, Va. on Saturday, June 29. The event began with a march around downtown Fredericksburg beginning and ending in the park.

(Washington Blade photos by Michael Key)

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PHOTOS: Goodwin Living Pride

Senior living and healthcare organization holds fourth annual march at Falls Church campus



Drag artist Crimsyn marches alongside residents and supporters at the fourth annual Goodwin Living Bailey's Crossroads community Pride march on June 25. (Photo courtesy of Goodwin Living)

The senior living and healthcare organization Goodwin Living held its fourth annual community Pride march around its Bailey’s Crossroads campus in Falls Church, Va. with residents, friends and supporters on Tuesday, June 25. Following the march, a drag brunch was held with performances by drag artists of SADBrunch: Crimsyn, Sapphire Dupree and Evon Dior Michelle.

(Photos courtesy of Goodwin Living)

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