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Queery: Xion Lopez

The Transgender Day of Remembrance organizer answers 20 gay questions



Xion Lopez, HIPS, Queery, gay news, Washington Blade
Xion Lopez, HIPS, Queery, gay news, Washington Blade

Xion Lopez (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key)

Xion Lopez says Transgender Day of Remembrance is a bittersweet experience. As the names are called and candles lit, she says she feels, ā€œso many mixed emotions ā€” a lot of fabulous comes into my heart just hearing those names. I donā€™t forget any of them but to hear those names again is just a very emotional process.ā€

Lopez is co-planning this yearā€™s event, slated for Tuesday at 6 p.m. at Metropolitan Community Church of Washington (474 Ridge Street, NW). As a young trans woman herself, Lopez says itā€™s important for the community to ā€œremember those sisters who no longer have a voice ā€” itā€™s a very important day for me.ā€ Visit for more information.

Lopez, 21, grew up in Washington. She previously worked at Transgender Health Empowerment but now volunteers there since she couldnā€™t be both a client and employee. She started earlier this year as an intern at HIPS (Helping Individual Prostitutes Survive) and this week became its interim office manager. She has family here but is not in contact with them.

Lopez is single and lives in Deanwood. In her free time, she enjoys movies, being social, activism, performing and ā€œme time ā€” no hair, no makeup and just being centered.ā€

How long have you been out and who was the hardest person to tell?

I had to come out twice: at 13 as a gay male and 19 as a trans woman. The hardest person to tell both times was my mother.

Who’s your LGBT hero?

Debbie McMillian, the CRC specialist at Transgender Health Empowerment. For those of you who donā€™t know Debbie, make it a point to reach out and take in her awesomeness!

What’s Washington’s best nightspot, past or present?Ā 

Town. To me, it feels like a different type of club ā€” very loungey.

Describe your dream wedding.

Ceresville Mansion in Frederick, Md. Custom made dress. Candles. Flowers. And HIPS party favors (free dildos, anyone?). Private and small.

What non-LGBT issue are you most passionate about?

Domestic violence. Being a former victim of domestic violence, itā€™s an issue close to my heart.

What historical outcome would you change?

Lilā€™ Kimā€™s plastic surgery. She looked so much better before.

What’s been the most memorable pop culture moment of your lifetime?

When people used to put slits in their jeans and wore two polos. Popped collars for life!

On what do you insist?


What was your last Facebook post or Tweet?

#icanā€™t take this weather.

Facebook: #girlslikeus (with a picture of me Kisha Allure)

If your life were a book, what would the title be?


If science discovered a way to change sexual orientation, what would you do?

I wouldnā€™t do anything! Itā€™s wrong and Iā€™d be lying to myself. I like being different.

What do you believe in beyond the physical world?Ā 

I believe in a higher power and centering myself. I want to be at peace.

What’s your advice for LGBT movement leaders?

Sometimes itā€™s best to get off the seat they hold and experience the lives of people on the ground ā€” reminds them what theyā€™re fighting for.

What would you walk across hot coals for?

Erykah Badu

What LGBT stereotype annoys you most?

That all trans women are sex workers.

What’s your favorite LGBT movie?


What’s the most overrated social custom?

I hate when people say, ā€œI want to piggy back off of ā€¦ā€

What trophy or prize do you most covet?

A Grammy!

What do you wish you’d known at 18?

I wish I had known it could get better.

Why Washington?

Why not? Itā€™s a place for equality.



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Annual LGBTQ march held in Manhattan



The 2024 New York City Pride Parade was held on June 30. (Washington Blade photo by Daniel Truitt)

The 2024 New York City Pride Parade wound through the streets of Manhattan and past the historic Stonewall Inn on Sunday, June 30.

(Washington Blade photos by Daniel Truitt)

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PHOTOS: Fredericksburg Pride

Fourth annual LGBTQ march and festival held in Virginia town



The 2024 Fredericksburg Pride March wound through the streets of Fredericksburg, Va. on Saturday. (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key)

The fourth annual Fredericksburg Pride march and festival was held at Riverfront Park in Fredericksburg, Va. on Saturday, June 29. The event began with a march around downtown Fredericksburg beginning and ending in the park.

(Washington Blade photos by Michael Key)

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PHOTOS: Goodwin Living Pride

Senior living and healthcare organization holds fourth annual march at Falls Church campus



Drag artist Crimsyn marches alongside residents and supporters at the fourth annual Goodwin Living Bailey's Crossroads community Pride march on June 25. (Photo courtesy of Goodwin Living)

The senior living and healthcare organization Goodwin Living held its fourth annual community Pride march around its Bailey’s Crossroads campus in Falls Church, Va. with residents, friends and supporters on Tuesday, June 25. Following the march, a drag brunch was held with performances by drag artists of SADBrunch: Crimsyn, Sapphire Dupree and Evon Dior Michelle.

(Photos courtesy of Goodwin Living)

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