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Our picks for the top national and international stories of 2013



mass wedding, same-sex marriage, gay marriage, Supreme Court, Proposition 8, Defense of Marriage Act, Prop 8, DOMA, gay news, LGBT, Washington Blade, marriage equality
mass wedding, same-sex marriage, gay marriage, Supreme Court, Proposition 8, Defense of Marriage Act, Prop 8, DOMA, gay news, LGBT, Washington Blade, marriage equality, year

(Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key)

It was perhaps the biggest year yet for the LGBT rights movement in the United States, as the Supreme Court made history by striking down Prop 8 and part of the Defense of Marriage Act. More states legalized marriage in its wake. Elsewhere in the world, the Catholic Church got a new pope who seemed to break with his predecessor over gay rights, among other issues.

Here are the Blade staffā€™s picks for the yearā€™s top 10 national and international stories.

#1 Supreme Court strikes down DOMA, Prop 8


Proposition 8, Supreme Court, gay marriage, same-sex marriage, marriage equality, gay news, Washington Blade

The plaintiffs in the Proposition 8 case at the Supreme Court emerge victorious with lawyer David Boies, Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin and American Foundation for Equal Rights Executive Director Adam Umhoefer. (Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key)

The U.S. Supreme Court issued a pair of historic decisions against the Defense of Marriage Act and California’s Proposition 8 in a news event we have dubbed the story of the year.

In a 5-4 decision, the court struck down Section 3 of DOMA, the 1996 Clinton-era law that prohibited the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriage. In a separate 5-4 decision issued at the same time, the court ruled the proponents of Prop 8 couldn’t defend the initiative in court, allowing a district court ruling to stand that determined the 2008 amendment was unconstitutional.

Writing for the majority in the decision against DOMA, U.S. Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy emphasized the harm the anti-gay law causes married same-sex couples.

“The federal statute is invalid, for no legitimate purpose overcomes the purpose and effect to disparage and to injure those whom the State, by its marriage laws, sought to protect in personhood and dignity,” Kennedy wrote. “By seeking to displace this protection and treating those persons as living in marriages less respected than others, the federal statute is in violation of the Fifth Amendment.ā€

The DOMA lawsuit was brought by New York widow Edith Windsor as a result of having to pay $363,000 in estate taxes in 2009 upon the death of her spouse, Thea Spyer. Windsor became a symbol of the marriage equality movement and was named by Time magazine as its No. 3 pick for “Person of the Year” after her victory at the Supreme Court.

The ruling against Prop 8 restored marriage equality to California. Thousands of same-sex couples ā€” beginning with plaintiffs Kris Perry and Sandra Stier, who were wed by California Attorney General Kamala Harris at San Francisco City Hall ā€” began to marry after the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals gave the go-ahead weeks after the decision.

Immediately after the ruling against DOMA, the Obama administration pledged to work toward implementing the decision to allow for the recognition of same-sex marriage by the federal government. At a news conference during a trip to Africa, President Obama pledged to make the federal benefits of marriage as widely available as possible.

ā€œItā€™s my personal belief ā€” but Iā€™m speaking now as a president as opposed to as a lawyer ā€” that if youā€™ve been married in Massachusetts and you move someplace else, youā€™re still married, and that under federal law you should be able to obtain the benefits of any lawfully married couple,ā€ Obama said.

Then-Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano issued guidance saying bi-national same-sex couples would be able to apply for marriage-based green cards to enable them to stay in the United States. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management announced that spousal benefits, including health and pension benefits, would begin to flow to gay federal employees. Perhaps most significantly, the Internal Revenue Service announced it would recognize the marriages of same-sex couples for tax purposes ā€” even if they file tax returns while living in a non-marriage equality state.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel also announced that service members in same-sex marriages would be able to receive spousal benefits, including health, pension and housing benefits. Several national guards with state constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage said they would be unable to process these benefits, but after a second edict from Hagel saying they must comply, each of those states fell in line.

Within a few short months, the ruling against DOMA also helped accelerate the path toward marriage equality throughout individual states. In Ohio, a federal judge recognized the marriage of a same-sex couple that married at BWI airport because one of the partners in the relationship was dying of Lou Gehrig’s disease. Later, a New Jersey superior court ruled the state’s civil union law was insufficient ā€” a decision the State Supreme Court let stand upon appeal from New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who later the dropped the lawsuit.

Doug NeJaime, a gay law professor at the University of California, Irvine, said this movement so soon after the Windsor ruling ā€œwas anticipatedā€ given the language that Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy used in his opinion.

ā€œGiven the flurry of activity, and the quick decisions coming out of places like Ohio, this may mean that the Supreme Court may not be able to avoid the question regarding the constitutionality of state marriage bans as long as some of the justices may hope,ā€ NeJaime said.


#2 States, countries extend marriage rightsĀ 


Neil Abercrombie, Hawaii, Washington Blade, gay

Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie on Nov. 13, 2013, signed his state’s same-sex marriage bill into law. (Photo courtesy of State of Hawaii/Office of the Governor)

The movement for marriage rights for same-sex couples made significant advances in the U.S. and around the world in 2013.

In addition to Maryland and Delaware, gays and lesbians began to legally marry in California, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Minnesota and Hawaii. Illinoisā€™s same-sex marriage law that Gov. Pat Quinn signed last month will take effect in June.

New Zealand and Uruguay also extended marriage rights to same-sex couples in 2013.

Brazilā€™s National Council of Justice in May nearly unanimously ruled that registrars in the South American country cannot deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Gays and lesbians in England and Wales on March 29 will begin to exchange vows after the British Parliament over the summer approved a same-sex marriage bill. An identical measure cleared its first hurdle in the Scottish Parliament last month.

The legal process to extend marriage rights to same-sex couples in Mexico continued to gain ground in Baja California, Guanajuato, Jalisco and other states in 2013. A handful of gays and lesbians have exchanged vows in Colombia, but the countryā€™s attorney general has challenged some of them.

Croatian voters on Dec. 1 approved a constitutional amendment that defines marriage as between a man and a woman. The Australia High Court on Dec. 11 ruled a law that extended marriage rights to same-sex couples in the countryā€™s capital is unconstitutional.


#3 Senate passes ENDA; House version stallsĀ 


Tammy Baldwin, gay news, Washington Blade, Employment Non-Discrimination Act, United States Senate, Democratic Party, Wisconsin, religious exemptions

Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) spoke in a press conference following the passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act in the U.S. Senate. (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key).

For the first time in history, the U.S. Senate approved with bipartisan support this year a long sought piece of legislation that would bar employers from discriminating against or firing workers based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.

By a vote of 64-32, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act passed the Senate, marking the first time that either chamber of Congress has passed a version of the bill with protections for transgender workers. A total of 10 Republicans joined the entire Democratic caucus present in voting for the bill.

Prior to the vote, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), ENDAā€™s chief sponsor, delivered a speech on the Senate floor recognizing the historic nature of the moment.

ā€œI look forward to this vote, this vote for liberty, this vote for freedom, this vote for opportunity, this vote for a fair and just America,ā€ Merkley said.

Despite a push to bring up the legislation in the House, momentum on ENDA seems to have stalled as the legislation has capped out at 201 sponsors and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has continually said he opposes it.

“I understand people have differing opinions on this issue, and I respect those opinions,” Boehner said in response to a question from the Washington Blade. “But as someone whoā€™s worked in the employment law area for all my years in the State House and all my years here, I see no basis or no need for this legislation.ā€

#4 Russiaā€™s LGBT crackdown sparks outrage


Russia, anti-gay, gay news, Washington Blade

Activists protested in front of the Russian embassy several times throughout the year following the passage of anti-gay laws in the country. (Washington Blade photo by Damien Salas)

The Kremlinā€™s LGBT rights crackdown sparked widespread outrage this past year amid preparations for the 2014 Winter Olympics that will take place in Sochi, Russia, in February.

Russian President Vladimir Putin in June signed a broadly worded bill into law that bans gay propaganda to minors. A second statute that bans foreign same-sex couples and any couple from a country in which gays and lesbians can marry from adopting Russian children took effect in July.

LGBT rights groups and other organizations that receive funding from outside Russia could face a fine if they donā€™t register as a ā€œforeign agent.ā€

ā€œThese laws are aimed at driving LGBT people back into silence, back underground, back to the invisibility,ā€ Polina Andrianova of Coming Out, a St. Petersburg-based LGBT advocacy group, told the Washington Blade during an August interview.

Playwright Harvey Fierstein is among those who have called for a boycott of the Sochi games in response to Russiaā€™s LGBT rights crackdown. The International Olympic Committee and the U.S. Olympic Committee have also faced criticism from those who feel they have not done enough to publicly criticize the Kremlin over the gay propaganda law.

ā€œThe U.S. Olympic Committee has been complicit in this act of aggression because they say we respect Russiaā€™s right to do this,ā€ U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.) told the Washington Blade in late September before the USOC added sexual orientation to its anti-discrimination policy. ā€œThat is not worthy of Olympic standards.ā€

Retired Olympic diver Greg Louganis on Dec. 13 told the Blade that gay MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts should not have co-hosted the Miss Universe 2013 pageant in November in Moscow. The four-time gold medalist also said gay singer Elton John should not have performed in Russia earlier this month.

ā€œIt just seems like all theyā€™re doing is lending credibility to whatā€™s going on there,ā€ said Louganis.


#5 LGBT Catholics welcome Pope Francis


Pope Francis, Catholic Church, gay news, Washington Blade

ā€˜If a person is gay and seeks the Lord and is of good will, who am I to judge him,ā€™ said Pope Francis. (Photo by AgĆŖncia Brasil; courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

LGBT Catholics in 2013 welcomed Pope Francisā€™ more moderate tone toward gays.

The College of Cardinals on March 16 elected the former archbishop of Buenos Aires to succeed Pope Benedict XVI who abruptly resigned in February.

The Argentine pontiff said during a September interview with an Italian Jesuit newspaper that the Roman Catholic church has grown ā€œobsessedā€ with nuptials for gays and lesbians, abortion and contraception. These comments came roughly two months after he told reporters as he returned to Rome after a weeklong trip to Brazil that gays and lesbians should not be judged or marginalized.

ā€œIf a person is gay and seeks the Lord and is of good will, who am I to judge him?ā€ said Francis in response to a question about gay priests.

LGBT rights advocates in Argentina noted to the Washington Blade the pontiff categorized the same-sex marriage bill the countryā€™s president, Cristina FernĆ”ndez de Kirchner, signed in 2010 as ā€œthe work of the devilā€ that would ā€œspark Godā€™s war.ā€

Dignity USA Executive Director Marianne Duddy-Burke acknowledged Francisā€™ anti-LGBT statements after his election. She remains optimistic the new pontiff will welcome LGBT Catholics back into the church.

ā€œWe find much to be hopeful about, particularly in the Popeā€™s firm desire that the church be a ā€˜home for all people,ā€™ and his belief that God looks on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people with love rather than condemnation,ā€ said Duddy-Burke in a September statement.


#6 Obama names gay ambassadors, judges


John Berry, Australia, gay news, Washington Blade

John Berry was named U.S. Ambassador to Australia. (Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key)

The U.S. Senate approved this year several openly gay appointees ā€” including the first openly gay federal appeals judge ā€” in confirmations that were historic both in number and significance.

Among the confirmed appointees were five openly gay ambassadors, including former U.S. Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry as U.S. ambassador to Australia. The confirmation made him the first openly gay U.S. ambassador to a G-20 country.

Also among the gay confirmations were Daniel Baer as U.S. ambassador to Organization for Security & Cooperation in Europe; Rufus Gifford as U.S. ambassador to Denmark; James Costos as U.S. ambassador to Spain; and James “Wally” Brewster as U.S. ambassador to the Dominican Republic.

Additionally, the Senate confirmed Eric Fanning as under secretary of the Air Force. After the departure of his immediate boss shortly after the confirmation, Fanning became acting secretary of the Air Force, making him the highest-ranking openly gay civilian in the U.S. military.

Chai Feldblum, the lesbian member of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, was confirmed for a second term after leading the way for a ruling instituting transgender workplace non-discrimination protections.

The Senate also confirmed openly gay judicial nominees. The highest-ranking among them was Todd Hughes, who was confirmed as circuit judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. He’s the first openly gay person to serve a federal appeals court.

The other confirmations were Pamela Ki Mai Chen as U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of New York; Michael McShane as U.S. District Judge for the District of Oregon; and Nitza QuiƱones Alejandro as U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.



#7 Trans protections recognized under Title IX


The Obama administration made a historic ruling for transgender rights this year by applying existing law to protect students in school on the basis of their gender identity.

The Departments of Education and Justice announced the resolution as a result of a complaint filed by the National Center for Lesbian Rights on behalf of a transgender student in Californiaā€™s Arcadia Unified School District. The resolution requires the school district to treat the student as male in all respects and keep his transgender status private.

NCLR Staff Attorney Asaf Orr commended the Obama administration for taking the step “to ensure that schools are safe and supportive environments where all students can thrive, including transgender students.”

The resolution represents a growing legal and administrative trend to interpret existing law ā€” in this case, Title IX of the Education Act of 1972 ā€” to ban discrimination against trans people.

Prior to the ruling, the student was required to sleep in a cabin by himself on an overnight field trip instead of being allowed to room with his male peers. The school district also excluded the student from the boysā€™ restroom and locker room, insisting that he use the nurseā€™s office.

The student, who remained anonymous, said he’s glad his school district agreed to put in place the resolution proposed by the Obama administration.

“Knowing that I have the school districtā€™s support, I can focus on learning and being a typical high school student, like my friends,” the student said.


#8 Obama references Stonewall in inaugural speech


Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, inauguration 2013, gay news, Washington Blade

In a first, President Obama made two references to gay rights during his inaugural address in January. (Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key)

President Obama stirred passions in the LGBT community by making an unprecedented reference to LGBT rights during his second-term inaugural address and saying he believes gay people deserve equal treatment under the law.

ā€œOur journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law ā€“ for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well,ā€ Obama said.

The words marked the first time that any U.S. president mentioned gay rights during an inaugural address and sent shockwaves through the LGBT community.

Also during the speech, Obama made a reference to the 1969 Stonewall riots, which are considered the start of the modern LGBT rights movement.

ā€œWe, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths ā€“ that all of us are created equal ā€“ is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall; just as it guided all those men and women, sung and unsung, who left footprints along this great Mall, to hear a preacher say that we cannot walk alone; to hear a King proclaim that our individual freedom is inextricably bound to the freedom of every soul on Earth,ā€ Obama said.


Ā #9: Gay mayors in Seattle, Houston; Quinn loses in New York


Christine Quinn, New York City, gay news, Washington Blade

Lesbian Christine Quinn started her mayoral campaign a heavy favorite but ultimately lost in New Yorkā€™s primary. (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key)

Lesbian Annise Parker won election to her third and final term as mayor of Houston, on Nov. 5, receiving a decisive 57 percent of the vote in a nine-candidate race.

In Seattle, Washington State Sen. Ed Murray defeated incumbent Mayor Mike McGinn by a margin of 56 percent to 43 percent to become that cityā€™s first openly gay mayor.

And in Atlantic City, N.J., gay Republican Don Guardian shook up the political establishment by winning an upset victory over incumbent Mayor Lorenzo Langford, a Democrat, in a city where Democrats outnumber Republicans among registered voters by a nine to one margin. Guardian ran as a socially progressive reform candidate with a record as a highly competent administrator of services for the cityā€™s tourist district.

Meanwhile, New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn lost her race to become New Yorkā€™s first openly gay and first female mayor, finishing third in a hotly contested Democratic primary in September. A New York Times exit poll showed pro-LGBT candidate Bill deBlasio, who won the primary and the general election in November, beat Quinn among LGBT voters by a margin of 47 percent to 34 percent in a four candidate race.

Most political observers said LGBT voters joined the majority of their straight counterparts in backing deBlasio, who emerged as more progressive on economic issues than Quinn and who was perceived as an outspoken critic of incumbent Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is highly unpopular among Democratic voters. Quinn had long been viewed as a Bloomberg ally.


# 10 Manning gets 35 years, comes out as trans


Bradley Manning, wikileaks, gay news, Washington Blade

Manning announced she is transitioning one day after being sentenced for leaking classified documents. (Public domain photo)

One day after a military judge sentenced former U.S. Army Private Bradley Manning to 35 years in prison for leaking classified documents to Wikileaks, the 25-year-old soldier released a statement through her attorney coming out as transgender.

ā€œAs I transition into this next phase of my life, I want everyone to know the real me,ā€ Manning said. ā€œI am Chelsea Manning. I am a female.ā€

Manningā€™s dramatic announcement shifted the media focus from that of her conviction in an Army court martial proceeding of violating the U.S. Espionage Act for leaking an unprecedented amount of classified information to the issue of who transgender people are and whether they should be entitled to equal rights.

Some transgender rights advocates said Manningā€™s case would hurt efforts to lift the militaryā€™s ban on transgender service members by casting transgender people in a negative light. Transgender activists Brynn Tannehill and Autumn Sandeen, who served in the military before transitioning, said they were especially troubled by arguments by Manningā€™s attorney that Manningā€™s struggle over her gender identity created stress that played some role in her decision to leak classified information.

ā€œIn my last four years in the Navy I was grappling with gender identity yet I did my jobā€ and didnā€™t release classified information,ā€ Sandeen said.


By Lou Chibbaro Jr., Chris Johnson and Michael Lavers


U.S. Supreme Court

Concern over marriage equality in US grows two decades after first Mass. same-sex weddings

Gay and lesbian couples began to marry in Bay State in 2004



(Bigstock photo)

Two decades after Massachusetts became the first state to legalize same-sex marriage, a new study reveals both significant progress and ongoing challenges for married LGBTQ couples in the U.S., with a growing sense of insecurity about the future of their rights.

The Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law surveyed 484 married same-sex couples from all 50 states and D.C. The study, released Monday, marks the 20th anniversary of legal same-sex marriage in the U.S.

Researchers found that 93 percent of respondents cited love as a primary reason for marrying, with 75 percent also mentioning legal protections. Over 83 percent reported positive changes in their sense of security, and 74.6 percent noted improved life satisfaction since marrying.

However, the study also highlighted persistent discrimination and growing concerns about the future. About 11 percent of couples who had a wedding reported facing prejudice during the planning process.

Alarmingly, nearly 80 percent of respondents expressed concern about the potential overturning of the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision, which legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. This anxiety has been exacerbated by initiatives like Project 2025, a conservative policy blueprint that some fear could roll back LGBTQ rights if implemented.

The possibility of a former President Donald Trump victory in the upcoming election has further intensified these concerns. Many respondents cited Trump’s previous U.S. Supreme Court appointments and his statements on LGBTQ issues as reasons for their apprehension. One participant stated, “The thought of another Trump presidency keeps me up at night. We’ve come so far, but it feels like our rights could be stripped away at any moment.”

The current political climate has 29 percent of respondents considering moving to another state, with 52.9 percent citing socio-political concerns as a primary reason. This reflects a growing sense of insecurity among LGBTQ couples about their rights and freedoms.

Brad Sears, founding executive director of the Williams Institute, noted, “The data clearly show that marriage equality has had a profound positive impact on same-sex couples and their families. However, it also reveals ongoing challenges and serious concerns about the future of these rights in light of current political trends and the upcoming election.”

Christy Mallory, legal director at the Williams Institute and lead author of the study, added, “This research provides crucial insights into the lived experiences of same-sex couples two decades after marriage equality began in the U.S. The high level of concern about potential loss of rights underscores the continued importance of legal protections and public support for LGBTQ+ equality.”

The study found that 30 percent of surveyed couples have children, with 58.1 percent of those parents reporting that marriage provided more stability for their families. However, many of these families now worry about the security of their legal status in the face of potential policy changes and shifting political landscapes.

As the nation reflects on two decades of marriage equality, the study underscores both the transformative power of legal recognition and the ongoing need for vigilance in protecting LGBTQ+ rights. The findings highlight the complex reality faced by same-sex couples in America today: Celebrating hard-won progress while grappling with uncertainty about the future, particularly in light of upcoming political events and potential shifts in leadership.

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State Department

State Department hosts meeting on LGBTQ rights and foreign policy

Event took place before Pride Month reception



Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks at the State Department Pride Month event on June 27, 2024. (Screen capture via Forbes Breaking News YouTube)

Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday hosted a group of LGBTQ activists and politicians from around the world at the State Department.

The event ā€” described as a “Convening on U.S. Foreign Policy: National Security, Inclusive Development, and the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons” ā€” took place before the State Department’s annual Pride Month reception. Participants included:

ā€¢ Jessica Stern, the special U.S. envoy for the promotion of LGBTQ and intersex rights

ā€¢ U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield

ā€¢ U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai

ā€¢ U.S. Ambassador to India Eric Garcetti

ā€¢ Suzanne Goldberg, senior advisor to the Under Secretary of State for Civil Security, Democracy, and Human Rights

ā€¢ Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya

ā€¢ U.S. Agency for International Development Senior LGBTQI+ Coordinator Jay Gilliam

ā€¢ USAID Counselor Clinton D. White

ā€¢ National Security Council Senior Director for Democracy and Human Rights Kelly Razzouk

ā€¢ Assistant U.S. Secretary of Health Adm. Rachel Levine

ā€¢ National Security Council Human Rights Director Jess Huber

ā€¢ U.N. Assistant Secretary General for Human Rights Ilze Brandt Kehris

ā€¢ Icelandic Ambassador to the U.S. BergdĆ­s EllertsdĆ³ttir

ā€¢ Council for Global Equality Co-Executive Director Mark Bromley

ā€¢ Outright International Senior Advisor for Global Intersex Rights Kimberly Zieselman

ā€¢ Essy Adhiambo, executive director of the Institute for Equality and Non Discrimination in Kenya

ā€¢ Pau GonzĆ”lez, co-chair of Hombres Trans PanamĆ” and PFLAG-PanamĆ”

“Forty-five years ago, thousands gathered in D.C. in what became the first national march for LGBTQI+, demanding their voices be heard,” said Thomas-Greenfield in a post to her X account that showed her speaking at the event. “We must continue to carry forward the spirit of these pioneers and fight for equal rights and dignity for all.”

President Joe Biden in 2021 signed a memo that committed the U.S. to promoting LGBTQ and intersex rights abroad as part of his administrationā€™s overall foreign policy.

“LGBTQI+ rights are human rights,” said Blinken. “Our government has a responsibility to defend them, to promote them ā€” here and everywhere.”

Blinken noted consensual same-sex sexual relations remain criminalized in 64 countries, with the death penalty in 11 of them.

He specifically highlighted Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor OrbĆ”n’s government’s “smearing scapegoating, stigmatizing LGBTQI+ persons ā€” vilifying them with degrading labels, denying them equal rights, normalizing violence against them.” (Gay U.S. Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman this month marched in the annual Budapest Pride parade.)

Blinken noted Iraqi MPs earlier this year “passed legislation that punishes same-sex relations with up to 15 years in prison.” He also pointed out that Indonesian lawmakers approved a new criminal code banning extramarital sex.

“In a nation where same-sex couples cannot marry, these laws effectively make all same-sex conduct illegal and they undermine privacy for all Indonesians,” said Blinken.

“Weā€™re defending and promoting LGBTQI+ rights around the world,” he said.

Blinken noted seven countries ā€” Barbados, St. Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Namibia, Singapore, the Cook Islands ā€” have decriminalized consensual same-sex sexual relations over the last two years. He also highlighted Greece, Liechtenstein, and Thailand this year extended marriage rights to same-sex couples, and other countries are banning so-called “conversion therapy.”

“These achievements are possible because of incredibly courageous human rights defenders and government partners on the ground, but I believe Americaā€™s support is indispensable,” said Blinken. “When we engage ā€” sometimes publicly, sometimes privately, sometimes both ā€” when we share our own knowledge and experience, we can and we do achieve change.”

Blinken also announced the U.S. now considers sexual orientation and gender identity are part of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights that took effect in 1976.

“This is one of the key treaties committing nations to upholding universal rights,” he said. 

“In our regular reporting to the council on human rights, we will continue to include incidents of discrimination or abuse committed against LGBTQI+ persons, now with the clear framework of this well-supported interpretation,” added Blinken.Ā “That will further empower our efforts.”

Blinken reiterated this point and the Biden-Harris administration’s commitment to the promotion of LGBTQ and intersex rights abroad when he spoke at the State Department’s Pride Month event.

“Defending, promoting LGBTQI+ rights globally is the right thing to do, but beyond that, itā€™s the smart and necessary thing to do for our country, for our national security, for our well-being,” he said.

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The White House

Jill and Ashley Biden headline White House Pride celebration

First lady celebrated historic pardons of LGBTQ veterans



First lady Jill Biden speaks at the White House Pride event on June 26. (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key)

First lady Jill Biden and the president and first lady’s daughter, Ashley Biden, headlined the White House Pride celebration on the South Lawn on Wednesday, followed by a performance by singer and actress Deborah Cox.

“My dad has built the most pro-equality administration” in history, Ashley Biden said, crediting the work of LGBTQ people of color like Marsha P. Johnson, a prominent figure in the Stonewall uprising of 1969, as well as “so many of you [who] have continued to lead their fearless fighting against against injustice here and around the world.”

She introduced her mother as “the woman who taught me to be myself up showed me in so many ways how I can make a difference” and who “works every single day, tirelessly, to ensure that all people have the opportunities and freedoms that they deserve.”

“I hope that all of you feel that freedom and love on the South Lawn today,” Jill Biden said.

Her remarks were briefly interrupted by a protestor’s chants of “no Pride in genocide,” which was drowned out by chants of “four more years.”

The first lady noted how many of the attendees came “here from states that are passing laws targeting LGBTQ Americans.”

“There are those who see our communities and our families and wish to tear them down,” she said, “those who can’t see that the world is so much bigger and [more] beautiful than they know ā€” but when our homes are threatened, when they strip away our rights, and deny our basic humanity, we say, ‘not on our watch.'”

“Pride is a celebration, but it is also a declaration,” the first lady said, highlighting the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges nine years ago, which established marriage equality as the law of the land.

She then credited the accomplishments of the Biden-Harris administration on matters of LGBTQ rights, including the repeal of the previous administration’s ban on military service by transgender servicemembers and the FDA’s loosening of restrictions on blood donation by gay and bisexual men.

The first lady also celebrated the president’s announcement earlier on Wednesday that he will pardon LGBTQ veterans who were discharged and court martialed because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

“We will never stop fighting for this community,” she said.

First lady Jill Biden and daughter, Ashley Biden, attend the White House Pride celebration on June 26, 2024. (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key)
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