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Jindal caves on same-sex marriage in Louisiana

GOP hopeful had sought to delay implementation of marriage ruling



Bobby Jindal, Louisiana, Republican Party, CPAC, Conservative Political Action Conference, gay news, Washington Blade

Bobby Jindal, Louisiana, Republican Party, CPAC, Conservative Political Action Conference, gay news, Washington Blade

Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-La.) is recognizing same-sex marriages in Louisiana. (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key)

After fighting to the furthest extent possible against the U.S. Supreme Court, the administration of Gov. Bobby Jindal announced on Thursday it would begin to recognize same-sex marriages.

According to, Louisiana’s Department of Vital Records is now recognizing them after the federal district court that once upheld the marriage ban in the state reversed its decision and upon guidance from the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Washington Blade confirmed with the agency the state will now recognize same-sex marriages.

“Today the Eastern District Court of Louisiana ordered the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals to begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples who complete a marriage application at the Department’s Office of Vital Records in Orleans Parish,” Olivia Hwang, spokesperson for the agency is quoted as saying.

Jindal, who’s running for the Republican nomination for president as a social conservative, has stalled on implementation of the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage at every possible turn.

After the Supreme Court decision was handed down, he said his administration wouldn’t recognize same-sex marriages ā€” including for tax purposes and other states benefits ā€” until action from the Fifth Circuit, which was considering litigation directly challenging the state’s marriage ban.

But after the Fifth Circuit acted on Thursday, reversing the judgment of a district court that upheld Louisiana’s ban on same-sex marriage and remanding the litigation to the court, Jindal delayed implementation again, saying through a spokesperson the district court would have to issue judgment before the state would recognize same-sex marriage.

Only after U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman issued judgment in the litigation, Robicheaux v. Caldwell, did Jindal’s administration concede Louisiana was a marriage-equality state.

Kenneth Upton, senior counsel Lambda Legal and attorney for same-sex couples in the case, said Jindal dragged out implementation of the Supreme Court decision.

“While we wonder why Gov. Jindal insisted on dragging his feet in complying with the U.S. Supreme Court ruling and the subsequent very clear order from the Fifth Circuit, we are pleased for our clients and all same-sex couples in Louisiana that they will now be able to marry and have their marriages recognized by the state,” Upton said.

Jindal is facing litigation filed by American Civil Liberties Union over his religious freedom executive order allowing individuals to refuse to recognize same-sex marriage, including for the purposes of anti-LGBT discrimination. The governor signed the executive order after legislation along those lines failed in the legislature.


District of Columbia

Fire by arson forced temporary shutdown of Glorious Health Club

Spa and art gallery catering to gay
men expects to reopen in August



(Photo from Glorious Health Club's Facebook page)

In a little noticed development, D.C.ā€™s Glorious Health Club, which bills itself as a spa, art gallery, and community center catering to gay men, was forced to close on May 19 after one or more unidentified suspects ignited a fire inside the club that D.C. fire department officials have ruled an act of arson. 

Robert Siegel, the clubā€™s owner, told the Washington Blade that he and investigators with the D.C. Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department believe one or more yet unidentified suspects broke into the kitchen of the former warehouse building where the club is located at 2120 West Virginia Ave., N.E.  

According to Siegel, investigators with the fire departmentā€™s arson squad believe a flammable liquid was used to start the fire in the kitchen and in two other locations within the building.

ā€œThree separate fires were started,ā€ Siegel said. ā€œThey started one on a staircase and one on the upstairs storage area,ā€ he said in addition to the one in the kitchen. He said about 40 patrons were in the club at the time the fire started, and all were able to leave without injury. 

Siegel said the fire caused $500,000 worth of damage to his building, with some of the damage caused ā€” understandably he said ā€” by fire fighters who had to rip open doors and break through the roof to gain access to the flames that engulfed parts of the interior of the building. He said he arranged for repair work to begin after the fire was extinguished.

ā€œI expect weā€™ll be reopening in about a month from now,ā€ he said. ā€œAnd weā€™ll be a bigger and better place.ā€

Fortunately, Siegel said, most of the artwork and art exhibits located in the club were not damaged.

ā€œIt was basically the kitchen, patio, and the roof,ā€ he said, adding that much of the solar panels he had on the roof were destroyed by the fire or by firefighters seeking to gain access to the building. 

ā€œAnd the fire was so hot it did structural damage to the roof,ā€ he said. ā€œIt actually melted steel. Weā€™re talking about 50-foot steel beams that have to be replaced,ā€ he told the Blade. ā€œThatā€™s $100,000 right there.ā€Ā 

Vito Maggiolo, a spokesperson for the D.C. Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, said the fire was ā€œruled incendiary/arsonā€ and isĀ ā€œunder active investigation.ā€Ā 

It could not immediately be determined if one or more people responsible for the fire targeted the Glorious Health Club because itā€™s a gay community establishment. 

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South America

Chilean capital Pride parade participants, activists attacked

Men wearing hoodies disrupted June 29 event in Santiago



A group of hooded men attacked participants in the Chilean capital's annual Pride parade on June 29, 2024. (Photo courtesy of the Movement for Homosexual Integration and Liberation)

A group of hooded men on June 29 attacked LGBTQ activists and others who participated in the Chilean capital’s annual Pride parade.

Witnesses said the men punched and kicked activists and parade participants, threatened them with a skateboard, threw stones and paint at floats and damaged parade infrastructure. The men also broke a truck’s headlight.

The Movement for Homosexual Integration and Liberation, a Chilean LGBTQ rights group known by the acronym Movilh, strongly condemned the acts of violence, calling them deliberate attempts to disrupt a peaceful and safe demonstration.

ā€œVandalism that seeks to transgress the peaceful trajectory of our demonstrations and that is only useful to the interests of the homo/transphobic sectors,” denounced Movilh.

The attack occurred when the hooded men tried to break through the security fence protecting the participants and the truck that was at the beginning of the parade.

“As we do every year, we fence the truck with our volunteers to prevent anyone from being run over or hurt by the wheels,” said Movilh. “The hooded men approached the fence to break it, hitting our volunteers and people outside of our organization with their feet and fists who, in an act of solidarity, tried to dissuade them.”

The motives behind this attack seem to be related to previous calls on social networks to boycott the event, although the organizers stressed that violent acts are alien to the parade’s inclusive and celebratory purpose.

Movilh spokesperson Javiera ZĆŗƱiga told the Washington Blade that “after the attack that we faced during the Pride March, we published in our social networks the few images that were available from that moment.” 

“What we are basically asking is that anyone who has seen something and can recognize any of the aggressors write to our email or (contact us) through our social networks so that we can file complaints and do whatever is necessary to find those responsible.”

ZĆŗƱiga stated that “not only was there aggression against people, but there was also damage to private property because they broke one of the truck’s headlights.”

“So for these two reasons we are looking for anyone who may have information to contact us,” she said.

The incident has generated widespread condemnation within the LGBTQ community and outside of it. They say it highlights the need to protect human rights and diversity and promote respect for them.

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House Republicans propose steep cuts in federal AIDS budget

Advocacy groups say move would eliminate ā€˜Ending HIV Epidemicā€™ initiative



The Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative was launched during the administration of President Donald Trump.

The Republican-controlled U.S. House Subcommittee on Labor, Health, and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies approved a spending bill on June 26 that calls for cutting at least $419 million from federal AIDS programs that AIDS activists say would have a devastating impact on efforts to greatly reduce the number of new HIV infections by 2030.

The subcommitteeā€™s proposed bill, which includes billions of dollars in cuts in a wide range of other federal health, education, and human services related programs, is scheduled to be considered by the full House Appropriations Committee on July 10. Officials with AIDS advocacy groups say they are hopeful that the full committee, like last year, will refuse to approve the proposed cuts in the AIDS budget.

The proposed GOP cuts would eliminate $214 million from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Preventionā€™s HIV prevention programs, $190 million from the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, and $15 million from the Department of Health and Human Services Secretaryā€™s Minority HIV/AIDS Program.

Activists say the impact of those cuts would kill the federal governmentā€™s Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative, which among other things, calls for reducing the number of new HIV infections in the U.S. by 75 percent by 2025 and by 90 percent by 2030. The activists point out that ironically the Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative was launched during the administration of President Donald Trump.

 ā€œInstead of providing new investments in ending HIV by increasing funding for testing, prevention programs, such as PrEP, and life-saving care and treatment, House Republicans are again choosing to go through a worthless exercise of cutting programs that the American people depend on and will never pass,ā€ said Carl Schmid, executive director of the HIV + Hepatitis Policy Institute.

ā€œWhile we vigorously fight these cuts, we look forward to working with the entire Congress in a bipartisan fashion on spending bills that can actually become law,ā€ Schmid said in a statement.

 Schmid noted that the bill also includes provisions known as ā€œpolicy ridersā€ that would take away rights and protections from women, such as access to birth control and abortion, and for minorities, including LGBTQ people.

According to a statement released by the office of Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), who is the ranking minority member of the House Appropriations Committee, one of the policy riders would ā€œblock the Biden administrationā€™s policies to ensure nondiscrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation.ā€™  The statement says another policy rider would ā€œprevent policies or programs intended to promote diversity, equality, or inclusion.ā€

Most political observers believe the Democratic-controlled U.S. Senate would also kill the GOP proposed policy riders and cuts in the AIDS budget if the full Republican-controlled House were to approve the budget bill passed by the appropriations subcommittee.

Rep, Tom Cole (R-Okla.), who serves as chair of the full House Appropriations Committee, released a statement on June 27 defending the  subcommitteeā€™s bill and its proposed spending cuts. ā€œThe bill provides appropriate and fiscally responsible funding to ensure these departments can continue to perform their core missions while also acknowledging the fiscal realities facing our nation,ā€ he said.

ā€œImportantly, the bill pushes back on the Biden administrationā€™s out-of-touch progressive policy agenda, preventing this White House from finalizing or implementing controversial rules or executive orders,ā€ Cole said in his statement. ā€œIt also preserves long standing bipartisan policy provisions protecting the right to life.ā€

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