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College professor creates ‘questions for heterosexuals’ assignment

university student posted the list on Twitter



A university student’s tweet has gone viral for showing an assignment from her human sexuality course meant to show the struggles of the LGBT community from a different perspective.

Elise, a 20-year-old junior, posted a list of “Questions for Heterosexuals in the Class” on her Twitter captioned, “my professor isn’t taking anyone’s shit.” The questions mimic ones the LGBT community often gets asked to point out how some people insinuate being gay can be caused or treated.

The questions read:

What do you think caused your heterosexuality?

When did you decide you were a heterosexual?

Is it possible your heterosexuality is just a phase you may grow out of?

Why do you insist on flaunting your heterosexuality? Why can’t you just be what you are and keep quiet about it?

Why do you heterosexuals feel compelled to seduce others into your lifestyle?

Have you considered therapy to change your heterosexual tendencies?

ā€œThe slide is supposed to be funny, but she made us really think about why it was so funny,ā€ Elise said in an interview with BuzzFeed. ā€œA lot of people in the class had probably never been asked these questions before, so I think she was trying to show them what it would be like, but in a humorous way.ā€

Elise also noted that some people found her tweet offensive but the irony of how these questions are often asked to the LGBT community wasn’t lost on the college student.

ā€œI think that a lot of straight people feel victimized by these questions,ā€ Elise continued. ā€œI donā€™t think thatā€™s the purpose of the questions at all. But I do think itā€™s silly that someone would be offended by these questions to straight people but not appalled at the way the LGBTQ community is treated.ā€



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The 2024 New York City Pride Parade was held on June 30. (Washington Blade photo by Daniel Truitt)

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(Washington Blade photos by Daniel Truitt)

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The 2024 Fredericksburg Pride March wound through the streets of Fredericksburg, Va. on Saturday. (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key)

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(Washington Blade photos by Michael Key)

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Drag artist Crimsyn marches alongside residents and supporters at the fourth annual Goodwin Living Bailey's Crossroads community Pride march on June 25. (Photo courtesy of Goodwin Living)

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(Photos courtesy of Goodwin Living)

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