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‘Queer Eye’s Skyler Jay sues employer over trans-exclusionary health care

Crowdfunding is underway to donate to LGBT organizations



Skyler Jay on ‘Queer Eye’ (Screenshot via YouTube)

Skyler Jay, who appeared as the first transgender subject on the Netflix makeover series “Queer Eye,” is suing his employer the University System of Georgia (USG) for its trans-exclusionary health care policy.

USG, which oversees 26 public institutions and is governed by the Georgia Board of Regents, does not offer trans-inclusive healthcare to its employees.

During Jay’s “Queer Eye” episode he explained that his top surgery, totaling $16,000, caused unexpected complications. His medicals bills sent him into debt as he was unable to receive financial coverage from his employer’s healthcare. His “direct community” raised $8,200 to cover his care but due to the extra costs Jay has launched a GoFundMe page to pay off the rest of his debt.

He also wants to give back to the community and is crowdfunding $8,200 for LGBT organizations.

“This fundraiser will go directly toward my medical debt and some funds I will donate to couple of community organizations that could also use the help,” Jay writes on the GoFundMe page.

“Of the $8,200, I asked that $1,600 be donated to three different organizations, totaling the amount of $4,800, and the remainder of the $3,400 to be divided between two of my friends top surgery campaigns,” Skyler told PinkNews.

Crowdfunding has already raised money for Transcend Legal and two of his friends’ top surgeries. He is now aiming to raise money for Athens Queer Collective and Southern Fried Queer Pride.



PHOTOS: March for Drag

Performers and supporters rally for queer art, trans rights



The March for Drag was held on Saturday, March 8. (Photo by DuHon Photography)

The March for Drag was held on Saturday, March 8. Local drag artists and supporters gathered at Washington Circle for a rally to advocate for trans rights, queer art, artistic expression and free speech. Participants then marched to the Kennedy Center.

Read a report from the March for Drag here.

(Photos by DuHon Photography | Instagram | Facebook)

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PHOTOS: Grizzly Happy Hour

Bear nightlife event held at Crush Dance Bar



Grizzly Happy Hour was held at Crush on Friday. (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key)

Grizzly Happy Hour was held at Crush Dance Bar on Friday, March 7.

(Washington Blade photos by Michael Key)

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A taste for the macabre with a side order of sympathy

New book ‘The Lamb’ is for fans of horror stories



(Book cover image courtesy Harper)

‘The Lamb: A Novel’
By Lucy Rose
c.2025, Harper
$27.99/329 pages

What’s for lunch?

You probably know at breakfast what you’re having a few hours later. Maybe breast of chicken in tomato sauce. Barbecued ribs, perhaps? Leg of lamb, beef tongue, pickled pigs’ feet, liver and onions, the possibilities are just menus away. Or maybe, as in the new book, “The Lamb” by Lucy Rose, you’ll settle for a rump roast and a few lady fingers.

Margot was just four years old when she noticed the mold on the shower walls, and wondered what it might taste like. She also found fingers in the shower drain from the last “stray,” the nails painted purple, and she wondered why they hadn’t been nibbled, too.

Cooked right, fingers and rumps were the best parts.

Later, once Margot started school, Mama depended on her to bring strays from the woods to their cottage, and Mama would give them wine and warm them up. She didn’t often leave the house unless it was to bury clothing and bones, but she sometimes welcomed a gardener who was allowed to leave. There was a difference, you see, between strays and others.

But Eden? Margot couldn’t quite figure her out.

She actually liked Eden, who seemed like a stray but obviously wasn’t. Eden was pretty; she never yelled at Margot, although she did take Margot’s sleeping spot near Mama. Eden made Mama happy; Margot could hear them in the bedroom sometimes, making noises like Mama did when the gardener visited. Eden was a very good cook. She made Mama softer, and she made promises for better times.

And yet, things never got better. Margot was not supposed to call attention to herself, but she wanted friends and a real life. If she was honest, she didn’t want to eat strays anymore, either, she was tired of the pressure to bring home dinner, and things began to unravel. Maybe Mama didn’t love Margot anymore. Maybe she loved Eden better or maybe Mama just ached from hunger.

Because you know what they say: two’s company, three’s a meal.

Not a book to read at lunch? No, probably not – although once you become immersed in “The Lamb,” it’ll be easy to swallow and hard to put down.

For sure, author Lucy Rose presents a somewhat coming-of-age chiller with a gender-twisty plot line here, and while it’s occasionally a bit slow and definitely cringey, it’s also really quite compelling. Rose actually makes readers feel good about a character who indulges in something so entirely, repulsively taboo, which is a very surprising – but oddly satisfying – aspect of this unique tale. Readers, in fact, will be drawn to the character Margo’s innocence-turned-eyes-wide-open and it could make you grow a little protective of her as she matures over the pages. That feeling plays well inside the story and it makes the will-they-won’t-they ending positively shivery.

Bottom line, if you have a taste for the macabre with a side order of sympathy, then “The Lamb” is your book and don’t miss it. Fans of horror stories, this is a novel you’ll eat right up.

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