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Transgender climber completes 5th of 7 highest summits

Erin Parisi is the first out trans mountain climber to reach such heights. Next up she’ll make a second attempt to conquer Mount Denali.



Erin Parisi (Photo courtesy of Erin Parisi)

SANTIAGO, Chile – Erin Parisi just returned from the bottom of the world, but already the out transgender  woman has set her sights on her next challenge in her mission to conquer the highest summits of each of the seven continents. 

ā€I have been trying to train and get to the tops of the highest mountain on every continent: Seven Peaks, seven summits, seven continents,ā€ she said. ā€œI just finished Antarctica, which is an extraordinarily difficult climb as far as logistics, as far as dealing with the weather and the environment, a mountain that’s only been climbed 2,000 times before.ā€

(Photo courtesy of Erin Parisi)

It was New Yearā€™s Day when she spoke by phone to the Los Angeles Blade, from a hotel room in Santiago, Chile, where itā€™s summertime. Five summits down, two more to go. 

ā€œIn order, the first five are Mount Kosciusko in Australia. Then I did Kilimanjaro a second time ā€” I climbed it once manifesting as a dude, and I decided that I wanted to do them all post-transition,ā€ said Parisi. ā€œNext, I did Mount Elbrus in Russia and then I did Aconcagua in South America, not too far from where I’m sitting right now.ā€

Parisi, 45, reflected on both her climb 16,050 feet to the summit of Vinson Massif in Antarctica, and her plans to return later this year to the tallest spot in North America: Mount Denali, 20,310 feet above sea level. Not the highest of the seven summits but considered by many experienced climbers to be the hardest. 

ā€œLast year, we got flattened by wind,ā€ said Parisi, who was disappointed that neither she nor anyone on her team were able to reach the summit due to those conditions and injuries. ā€œI want to go back and have a little chat with Denali.ā€ 

It certainly was challenging for Parisi, who hurt her hand so badly in last summerā€™s attempt, during Pride Month, that she requires surgery. She posted on Instagram back then, that she thought she had dislocated a finger in a rush to set up camp as they ascended to 14K feet, and it set off doubts that made her question continuing. Alone for two days, stranded for a total of six days in subzero temperatures by a vicious wind storm with gusts up to 60 mph, Parisi wrote that she ā€œrested, journaled, meditated, shed a few tears,ā€ and decided ā€œClimbing isnā€™t about holding on, itā€™s about letting go.ā€

Good thing she did; It turns out Parisi did more than dislocate a finger. 

ā€œThere are a series of tendons that come down your pointer finger and around the base of your palm, called the volar plate, and that tendon got stuck in some climbing gear,ā€ she said. ā€œIt looks like a dislocation. When it happened, I relocated it pretty quickly, but the pain was kind of unbearable for the next week or two. So, I finally went to the doctor last fall and they looked at it and they said, ā€˜It’s not going to get better. You tore up the ligaments and broken the volar plate.ā€™ So, I have to have that reconstructed.ā€

That means she lived with that injury for four months and even climbed Vinson Massif without the benefit of her dominant right hand. Parisi credits her wife with finally convincing her to get it looked at.

ā€œI just figured I was getting old, and it was sore, but she talked me into going to the doctor eventually,ā€ said Parisi, uttering the words every spouse loves to see in print. ā€œYeah, she was right, like usual!ā€

Next up, Parisi said she will make a second attempt to conquer Mount Denali in Alaska. ā€œThat’s going to be next, sometime in summer of 2022.ā€ And then next year: Mount Everest, the last of the seven summits, and at 29,050 feet, the tallest. 

ā€œ2023 is the 70th anniversary of Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgayā€™s expedition, and we want to be up there for the 70th anniversary,ā€ she said. ā€œI think it’s a little-known fact that Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay had a trans member on their team. And we want to tell her story.ā€ That would be the story of Jan Morris, a journalist for The Times of London, who died in 2020.

Given her location, Parisi has been out of touch with news of the world as well as whatā€™s been happening with her wife and their nine-year-old child in Colorado. She also missed both Christmas and New Yearā€™s as well as her birthday. Well, almost missed, thanks to a surprise celebration organized by her fellow climbers and organizers back home, which she shared on Instagram

(Photo courtesy of Erin Parisi)

ā€œMy team and the @climbingsevensummits team surprised me by serving dessert bubbles šŸ„‚ and cheesecake, and leading the entire camp in 2 rounds of ā€œHappy Birthday.ā€ I was completely embarrassed, but my mind was set at ease and I warmed to the idea that I might just fit with this crew climbing through New Year.ā€

Parisi really needed that boost; She was having doubts again. ā€œImposter syndrome is real, and after missing the Denali summit last May, I was confident I didnā€™t belong here,ā€ she wrote on Instagram. That feeling stemmed from feeling as if she was ā€œthe only trans personā€ on the continent, not just last month, but ever. 

When she returned to civilization, the Los Angeles Blade caught her up on the latest controversies dogging the transgender population: hate directed at both UPenn swimmer Lia Thomas and Jeopardy! champion Amy Schneider, simply because theyā€™re winning their respective competitions.  

ā€œI don’t understand it, with the Jeopardy! champion, either, because, there’s no way to say she has any advantage, or that it’s unfair to anyone, or that she’s taken something from anyone else. I mean, there’s just no argument to disparage her by,ā€ said Parisi. ā€œIt blows my mind how stubborn people are just recognizing somebody’s right to exist. Live and let live. And I’m hoping that 2022 somehow will be a better year.ā€

Parisi is active in promoting transgender rights, and the flag she carries on every expedition incorporates the trans pride flag designed by Monica Helms. ā€œWe really take pride in putting the pink, blue and white up there,ā€ she said. ā€œI climb these summits just to kind of remind myself and remind the world that you can be yourself and you can enjoy the things you enjoy. You don’t have to make a choice.ā€

Other than her lifelong love of mountain climbing, which she told TripAdvisor last summer began when she was climbing trees at age 6, Parisi said she finds joy in every part of living her authentic life. 

ā€œI find joy in the outdoors. I find joy in breathing the fresh air. I find joy in my nine-year-old child. I convinced myself I was unlovable, and now I have probably, not even probably, hands down, the most loving relationship that I’ve ever had in my life, post-transition. I find great joy in being loved and loving. I love cooking and just everything about life is better, when you’re yourself.ā€ 


Follow Parisiā€™s adventures on Instagram at @transending7 and learn more about her mission and how to support her nonprofit organization at



Every MLB team except this one celebrated Pride

Right-wingers react to ā€˜backlashā€™ against Rangers: ā€˜Bullying is unacceptableā€™



Once again, the Texas Rangers opted not to celebrate Pride last month with a dedicated day or night on its 2024 promotion schedule. And once again, the American League West team is the only Major League operation to do so. 

This repeated omission by the reigning World Series champs has sparked what one conservative news site calls a ā€œridiculous backlash.ā€ As the Washington Examinerā€™s Kimberly Ross wrote this week:

ā€œThere is no getting away from these ubiquitous celebrations. Instead of ā€˜to each his own,ā€™ major league teams are nearly required to give in and perform in an effort to placate the loudest crowds. Itā€™s not good enough to include everyone at all times. You must kowtow or else. This kind of bullying is unacceptable, and itā€™s worth pushing back against whether youā€™re a regular citizen or the 2023 World Series champion Texas Rangers.ā€

But the only evidence of the ā€œbacklashā€ was a balanced report by Schuyler Dixon of the Associated Press that appeared on the website of KSAT-TV in San Antonio, detailing the frustrations of local LGBTQ advocates and fans. His report was posted by the AP under the headline: ā€œWhy are the Texas Rangers the only MLB team without a Pride Night?ā€ The virulently anti-trans British tabloid, the Daily Mail rehashed that same AP piece but added that LGBTQ groups were ā€œFURIOUSā€ without substantiating that claim with a single quote.Ā 

At most, DeeJay Johannessen, chief executive of the HELP Center, an LGBTQ organization based in Tarrant County, where the Rangers play, told the AP he felt ā€œkind of embarrassed.ā€ The Daily Mail headline writer was apparently ā€œkind ofā€ clickbaiting. 

ā€œIt’s kind of an embarrassment to the city of Arlington that their team is the only one that doesnā€™t have a Pride night,ā€ Johannessen said. Local advocate Rafael McDonnell said, ā€œIt pains me that this remains an issue [after] all these years.ā€

How painful? McDonnell told the AP he considered not attending the championship parade with his boyfriend when the Rangers celebrated their first World Series championship last fall. Ultimately, he decided to go. So much for ā€œFURIOUS.ā€ 

McDonnell is the communications and advocacy manager for the Resource Center, which is an organization that grew out of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s. He added that his group has worked with the Rangers, at their invitation, to help them develop a policy of inclusion, starting about five years ago.

The team has sent employees to volunteer for programs supporting its efforts in advocating for marriage equality and transgender rights.

Although McDonnell said members of the Rangers staff keep in contact with him, he told the AP he canā€™t recall any conversations with the team since its five-game victory over the Arizona Diamondbacks in last yearā€™s World Series. 

ā€œFor a long time, Iā€™ve thought that it might be somebody very high up in the organization who is opposed to this for some reason that is not clearly articulated,ā€ McDonnell said. ā€œTo say that the Rangers arenā€™t doing anything for the community, well, they have. But the hill that they are choosing to stake themselves out on is no Pride night.ā€

The Rangers did celebrate Mexican heritage during a game last month, and also host nights throughout the season dedicated to other groups as well as the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, first responders, teachers, and the military. The team also recognizes universities from around the Dallas-Fort Worth area and other parts of the Lone Star State. But not Pride. 

Why? The Rangers issued a statement, very similar to one from 2023. It lists various organizations the team has sponsored and steps it has taken internally to ā€œcreate a welcoming, inclusive, and supportive environment for fans and employees.ā€

ā€œOur longstanding commitment remains the same: To make everyone feel welcome and included in Rangers baseball ā€” in our ballpark, at every game, and in all we do ā€” for both our fans and our employees,ā€ the team said. ā€œWe deliver on that promise across our many programs to have a positive impact across our entire community.ā€

ā€œI think it’s a private organization,ā€ said Rangers fan Will Davis. ā€œAnd if they don’t want to have it, I don’t think they should be forced to have it.ā€ Davis is from Marble Falls, about 200 miles southwest of the stadium in Central Texas and attended a recent game with his son’s youth baseball team.

ā€œI think if it were something where MLB said, ā€˜Weā€™re not participating in this,ā€™ but the MLB does participate in it. And the Rangers have chosen not to,ā€ said Rangers fan Misty Lockhart, who lives near told the ballpark. Lockhart told the AP she attends almost three dozen games every season. ā€œI think that’s where I take the bigger issue, is they have actively chosen not to participate in it.ā€

While Lockhart says she doesn’t see Pride night as a political issue, she suggested there would be more pressure on the Rangers if their stadium was downtown, in the heart of Dallas County, where the majority of elected officials are Democrats. Tarrant County, home to Arlington, Fort Worth and Global Life Stadium, is generally more conservative, just like the governor, lieutenant governor, legislature, and fans like Will Davis. 

ā€œIn something like this, this is a way for people to go as a state,ā€ Davis told the AP. ā€œWe don’t want the political stuff shoved down our throats one way or the other, left or right. We’re coming out here to have a good time with friends or family and let it be.ā€

Unfortunately, some Rangers fans decided they could not ā€œlet it beā€ the one time the team welcomed local LGBTQ groups to a game as part of a fundraising event, as it does for other groups. This was in September 2003, two years after the Chicago Cubs hosted what is considered the first-ever Pride game. At that time, Rangers fans raged about the invitation on a website, and showed up to protest outside the stadium before that game. 

The Rangers never extended that invitation again. 

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Haters troll official Olympics Instagram for celebrating gay athlete and boyfriend

Campbell Harrison clapped back at online trolls



(Screenshot from Instagram)

Olympian Campbell Harrison has already conquered an eating disorder, anxiety, depression, and disappointment for skipping the Tokyo Summer Games so he could support his older sister in her battle with cancer. 

So, heā€™s saying ā€œno wuckaā€™sā€ (meaning, ā€œno problemā€ in Aussie lingo) to the bigots, trolls, mongrels, and “drongos” (meaning, ā€œdicksā€ and ā€œfools,ā€ respectively) who plastered their disapproval in the comments of an Instagram post celebrating him as the first LGBTQ sport climber in Olympic history. 

The post wasnā€™t even his; the official Olympics Instagram account shared pictures from his qualifying climb from November 2023, and tagged Harrison earlier this week. 

ā€œCelebration kiss for the ages šŸ˜˜šŸŒˆā€ reads the caption. ā€œAfter not making it to Tokyo 2020, Australian sport climber Campbell Harrison did not give up and four years later secured a quota spot for the Olympic Games #Paris2024. It was an emotional victory celebrated together with his partner, Justin.ā€

Harrison, having seen the negative comments multiply, took them in stride with a snappy response that included a tag to his boyfriend, Justin Maire, whose account is private.  

ā€œAll these people mad cause we’re hotter than they are šŸ˜˜,ā€ Harrison wrote. 

Harrisonā€™s mother, Yvette, shared her support: ā€œI could not be more proud of you my beautiful son. You and Justin are such a beautiful couple and we love you both very much. šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ™Œā¤ļøā€

There were plenty of other supportive comments, and haters were called out, too: ā€œI love all the people following the @Olympics page due to the Olympic spirit (among other values), who donā€™t see the irony of bashing an Olympic athlete because of who they love,ā€ wrote out travel writer and LGBTQ rights advocate Mikah Meyer.

The person managing the official Olympics Instagram account was asked to do a better job curating the comments, which were largely vitriolic and cruel. The account posted this plea: ā€œLet’s keep our community positive ā¤ļø Please ensure your comments are respectful and avoid any language that could be offensive, or harmful to others. We reserve the right to remove comments that do not adhere to this guideline.ā€ 

Gay Olympic champion diver Matthew Mitcham commented: ā€œ15 years ago I kissed my partner on camera when I won in Beijing 2008. This one post by @olympics has received more hate than I did in my whole career.ā€Ā 

Today is Harrisonā€™s 28th birthday. He, his boyfriend and his mother recently spoke with Climbingā€™s Holly Yu Tung Chen. She wrote: 

ā€œCampbell arrived in the world on June 28, 1997, screaming inconsolably. Unlike his three other siblings, who were all ā€˜peaches and cream,ā€™ said Yvette, baby Campbell was “squishy and cuddly, yes ā€” but he had a lot to say from the word go.”

ā€œCampbell started climbing at age eight when Russell took the children to the Victorian Climbing Centre and noticed Campbellā€™s immediate vigor. Itā€™s the age-old climber tale: Campbell almost immediately lost interest in the other sports he dabbled in, including swimming, soccer, and track and field. All he wanted to do was climb.ā€

Harrison told Climbing although he never actually ā€œcame outā€ as gay, he never hid his sexuality, and simply made sure his parents and siblings knew who he was. For example, when he told the family heā€™d be joining Climbing Cuties, an affinity group for queer climbers, they told him to have fun. On another occasion, Harrison let them know heā€™d be taking part in a panel for queer climbers, and his parents asked if they could attend. 

As for his boyfriend, Harrison told Climbing they met cute. 

ā€œIn the age where most people meet online, we had the classic story of catching each otherā€™s eye from across the room,ā€ said Harrison. Maire told the reporter he recognized Campbell from social media, where the climber does not hide their relationship, and that often results in comments that his posts have ā€œgotten too political.ā€

ā€œHow is that political?ā€ he asked, rhetorically, noting that most of the hateful comments he receives online come from Americans. ā€œWhy should I change the way I feel just because of someone elseā€™s perception of me?ā€ he said. 

Last November, the only climber to top the menā€™s finals route during the IFSC Oceania Qualifier in Melbourne was Harrison. Watching him ascend were his parents and boyfriend, as he clipped the final draw and collapsed inward, his hands covering his face as he was lowered down. He had punched his ticket to Paris with this win. 

Once he was on the ground, Harrison made a beeline to Maire, where they hugged and kissed, as recorded on Instagram.

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Washington Mystics to hold annual Pride game

Team to play Dallas Wings on Saturday



(Washington Blade photo by Michael Key)

The Washington Mystics will be having their upcoming Pride game on Saturday against the Dallas Wings.

The Mystics Pride game is one of the teamā€™s theme nights they host every year, with Pride night being a recurring event. The team faced off against the Phoenix Mercury last June. Brittney Griner, who Russia released from a penal colony in December 2022 after a court convicted her of importing illegal drugs after customs officials at Moscowā€™s Sheremetyevo Airport found vape canisters with cannabis oil in her luggage, attended the game.Ā 

Unlike the NBA, where there are currently no openly LGBTQ players, there are multiple WNBA players who are out. Mystics players Emily Englster, Brittney Sykes, and Stefanie Dolson are all queer.

The Mystics on June 1 acknowledged Pride Month in a post to its X account.

ā€œCelebrating Pride this month and every month,ā€ reads the message.

The game is on Saturday at 3 p.m. at the Entertainment and Sports Arena (1100 Oak Drive, S.E.). Fans can purchase special Pride tickets that come with exclusive Mystics Pride-themed jerseys. 

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