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District of Columbia

D.C. man sentenced to 7 months for attack against gay Asian man

Sentencing follows accepted plea offer



Mike Silverstein, left, and Sean Lai are joined outside D.C. Superior Court by members of Lai's legal team: Blair Decker, Molly Pallman and Katie Colura (Washington Blade photo by Lou Chibbaro Jr.)

A D.C. Superior Court judge on Thursday sentenced District resident Patrick Trebat, 39, to seven months in jail following a dramatic court hearing in which a gay Asian man, Sean Lai, described how Trebat assaulted him and his parents while shouting homophobic and anti-Asian slurs in an unprovoked attack last August on a D.C. street.

The sentencing came after Trebat pleaded guilty during the same hearing to three counts of misdemeanor simple assault, with one of the counts designated as a hate crime based on the victimā€™s ethnicity. The guilty plea was part of a plea bargain offer by prosecutors with the Office of the U.S. Attorney for D.C.

In exchange for Trebat accepting the plea deal, prosecutors agreed to drop two earlier felony charges of bias-related assault with significant bodily injury brought against Trebat in connection with the attack on Lai and his parents.

Judge Michael Oā€™Keefe officially sentenced Trebat to 21 months of incarceration for the three charges, but suspended all but seven months of the sentence. Oā€™Keefe also sentenced Trebat to three years of supervised probation upon his release, with the stipulation that he will be required to serve the full 21 months if he violates the terms of his probation.

Trebat, who had been released on a partial home detention order shortly after his arrest just under 10 months ago, was placed in immediate custody and escorted out of the courtroom by U.S. marshals after the conclusion of the sentencing part of the hearing to begin serving his sentence.

In delivering a victimā€™s impact statement in the courtroom, Lai told Oā€™Keefe that in addition to inflicting physical injuries on him and his parents that required emergency treatment at a hospital, Trebatā€™s attack on his family caused deep emotional scars that continues to haunt all three of them.

He said he objects to the plea bargain deal on grounds, among other things, that it does not designate Trebatā€™s violent attack as a hate crime based on Laiā€™s sexual orientation, only on his and his parents’ ethnicity.

Court records show that Trebat attacked Lai and his elderly parents, who are of Chinese ancestry, as they were walking on a street in the cityā€™s Observatory Circle neighborhood near where they were living and within sight of the Washington National Cathedral.

Police charging documents filed in court state that Trebat called the three victims ā€œfaggotsā€ and shouted, ā€œYou are not Americansā€ as he approached them while they were walking along the 3700 block of Fulton Street, N.W. at about 9:30 p.m. on Aug. 7, 2021. One of the documents says Trebat punched and shoved the three victims, knocking each of them to the ground, after initially punching Laiā€™s father in the head from behind while shouting, ā€œGet out of my country.ā€

ā€œAs painful as it is to relive this moment when this atrocious attack took place, I choose to be here today because I wanted you to hear my own voice and perspective, as well as the perspective from my parents,ā€ Lai told the judge. ā€œThe defendant attacked me and my elderly parents without provocation, motivated simply by his hatred toward our race and my sexual orientation,ā€ Lai continued.

ā€œBut what breaks my heart the most is what was done to my parents,ā€ he said. ā€œI had to take them each to several orthopedics appointments over the following months. I secretly cried in my bed each night after seeing the pain that was inflicted on them and the psychological trauma that they experienced.ā€

Gay D.C. Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner Mike Silverstein followed Lai by delivering an LGBTQ community impact statement before the court on behalf of the cityā€™s ANC LGBTQ Rainbow Caucus, the D.C. Center for the LGBT Community, and what Silverstein said was Laiā€™s request that he speak on behalf of the Asian and Pacific Islander community.

ā€œThank you, Your Honor, for the opportunity to give this victimā€™s impact statement,ā€ Silverstein said. ā€œAnd please forgive me for the next 13 words, which were not mine,ā€ he said.

ā€œā€™Fuck you bitch!ā€™ ā€˜Faggot!ā€™ ā€˜You are not Americans! Get out of this country!ā€™ā€

ā€œThose were the 13 words Patrick Trebat shouted at Sean Lai and his elderly mother and father just before Mr. Trebat physically attacked them without provocation,ā€ said Silverstein as courtroom spectators listened intently.

ā€œAs members of the LGBT+ community, we feel this was an attack on every one of us,ā€ Silverstein continued. ā€œIt was a direct attack on our right to exist and to live openly in the District of Columbia. We respectfully ask the court to issue the maximum jail sentence so that our community can feel that we are protected, and that we need not live in fear that those who would do us harm will get off easy,ā€ he said.

After asking Trebat to confirm that he fully understands and agrees to the terms of the plea offer, Oā€™Keefe invited Trebat to give his own statement just prior to the sentencing.

Trebat, who was dressed in a suit and tie, offered his ā€œdeepest apologiesā€ to Lai and Laiā€™s parents, who were not present in the courtroom. Trebat said he was intoxicated on alcohol and drugs at the time of the incident and had no recollection of what happened.

ā€œI was legitimately out of my mind that night,ā€ the told the judge. He said alcohol and prescription drugs caused him to engage in ā€œstupidā€ acts. ā€œI am sorry for the shame I brought to my parents, to American University, and to the victims,ā€ he added.

He was referring to his status as a graduate student at American University at the time of his arrest. The university later expelled him from his enrollment there after American University students protested that he had initially been allowed to continue his studies following a hate crime arrest.

ā€œThis event was not personal. I ā€™m not a racist,ā€ he said. ā€œI take full accountability for what happened. Iā€™m a changed person.ā€

Trebatā€™s attorney, Brandi Harden, asked Oā€™Keefe to sentence Trebat to only a suspended jail term and a stringent term of probation rather than incarceration, saying that he suffers from and has long been treated for mental health issues, which would be worsened if he were to be sent to jail.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Platt, the lead prosecutor in the case, expressed opposition to Hardenā€™s request, telling the judge that Trebat was already receiving a ā€œsignificant benefitā€ from the plea offer.

ā€œWe donā€™t dispute that the defendant was intoxicated,ā€ Platt said. But he added that the plea deal includes a provision for mental health and substance abuse treatment and that Trebat needs to be held responsible for his actions.

ā€œThis was part of hate crimes against Asians across the country,ā€ Platt told Oā€™Keefe before providing statistics of the violent hate crime attacks against Asian Americans nationwide. ā€œThis type of attack will not be tolerated,ā€ he said.

Although Platt acknowledged that Trebat also hurled homophobic slurs at Lai and his parents during the attack, he did not explain why prosecutors chose not to include a hate crime designation pertaining to sexual orientation in the plea bargain offer.

ā€œI believe he is remorseful,ā€ Oā€™Keefe said in handing down his sentence. ā€œBut there has to be some punishment,ā€ he said. ā€œYou have been shamed, and that is part of the penalty,ā€ Oā€™Keefe added. ā€œIt was your own actions that brought this on ā€¦ I think this sentence strikes a good balance.ā€

In response to a request by the Washington Blade for comment on why prosecutors decided to reduce the severity of the charges against Trebat through the plea agreement and did not include sexual orientation in the hate crime designation, U.S. Attorney spokesperson William Miller sent a brief statement to the Blade.

ā€œThe U.S. Attorneyā€™s Office thoroughly investigated and analyzed the facts and circumstances of this case and provided what we determined to be an appropriate plea offer,ā€ the statement says. ā€œWe extend a plea offer in almost every case charged in Superior Court,ā€ it says.

 ā€œThe plea offer extended in this case included a bias enhancement,ā€ the statement continues. ā€œOur office is committed to fully prosecuting bias-related crimes and held this defendant accountable for his appalling conduct.ā€

The texts of the victim’s impact statement delivered in court by Lai and the community impact statement given by Silverstein can be viewed below:

U.S. v. Trebat

Victim Impact Statement

By: Sean Xiangwen Lai

Your Honor,

Thank you for the opportunity to give my victim impact statement. I have gathered the courage to stand before you today at this hearing, to tell the court and my community about the defendantā€™s assault on me and my elderly parents, and the suffering we have endured as a result of his horrific actions. As painful as it is to relive the moment when this atrocious attack took place, I choose to be here today because I wanted you to hear my own voice and perspective, as well as the perspective from my parents. 

The defendant attacked me and my elderly parents without provocation, motivated simply by his hatred toward our race and my sexual orientation. We were walking on the streets of our neighborhood, enjoying our time outdoors during this unprecedented time when being outside of our home was a small joy of which we could take advantage. We were defenseless, feeling what we thought was secure so close to our home, when he assaulted us, beating up my parents and me. I am here today to tell the court in person that a man who would do this to an innocent family deserves the maximum prison sentence and does not deserve the leniency he has already received from the plea bargain offered by the prosecutors, which my family and I have expressed is very disappointing.

Last August, my parents and I were taking a walk in our neighborhood, very near our home. It was a beautiful Saturday night, but little did we know that our lives would be changed forever that night. ā€œFuck you bitch! Faggot! You are not Americans! Get out of this country!ā€ were the words the defendant yelled at us before he punched my dad in his head with a closed fist from behind causing him to fall to the ground. When my mom and I hurried over to help my dad, the defendant attacked us as well. As a result of the fall my dad took when the defendant attacked him, my dad suffered a fracture to the bone of his left wrist and both of his knees were injured; my right pinky finger was fractured; and my momā€™s right shoulder muscle was torn. All of us had bruises and cuts on all over our bodies. He appeared to get scared as I started yelling loudly for help on our quiet neighborhood street. He stopped attacking us and attempted to leave. As he was trying to flee the scene, I yelled at him: ā€œThis is a hate crime. You are not getting away with this.ā€ He stopped, turned around and smirked at me saying ā€œOh, I will!ā€

This frightening image of his maliciousness and remorselessness has played repeatedly in my worst nightmares ever since. And he remained unrepentant, even after he was arrested. With blood dripping from my mouth, I tried to explain what happened to the responding police officer at the scene. Handcuffed and detained, this man was still yelling at me saying ā€œShut the fuck up. Drama queen!ā€ right in front of the police officer.

Not a day goes by that what my parents and I suffered does not interfere with our lives. I had to take several weeks away from work and lost countless nights of sleep. I spoke to a therapist for several months and I am still working through the trauma inflicted on me. Even now I can feel the pain in my right pinky finger, which serves an enduring reminder I cannot ignore. I continue to live in fear for being who I am: An openly gay Asian man.

But, what breaks my heart the most is what was done to my parents. I had to take them each to several orthopedics appointments over the following months. I secretly cried in my bed each night after seeing the pain that was inflicted on them and the psychological trauma that they experienced. For a long time, my mom was afraid to even walk on the street in the middle of the day, still afraid an attack could happen at any time. My dad still has pain in his wrist and both his knees.

I strongly believe that the attacker thought that he could easily get away with what he did, avoiding any severe punishment, based on his unrepentant words and behaviors following the attack and his arrest. And the plea deal proves that it was just a slap on the wrist for the hate crime he committed against me and my elderly parents. We have repeatedly expressed the frustration on the plea deal to the prosecutors. Three counts of simple assault with only one hate crime enhancement on national origin are simply unacceptable.

Therefore, I respectfully request that the court serve justice and issue the maximum jail sentence, which I believe is the right thing to do and will show the community that unprovoked violence against defenseless members of the community will not be tolerated, and that no one in the District of Columbia should live in fear of being targeted simply because of who they are. 

Thank you.

U.S. v. Trebat

Community Impact Statement

By: Mike Silverstein, ANC Commissioner

I am offering this on behalf of 16 other openly LGBT+ elected D.C. Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners, and on behalf of the DC Center for LGBT. Sean Lai has asked me to speak for our community, and the AAPI community. As someone who was Bar Mitzvah at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, this takes on a special urgency to me. 

Thank you, Your Honor, for the opportunity to give this victim impact statement. And please forgive me for the next 13 words, for they were not mine….

ā€œFuck you bitch!ā€ 


 ā€œYou are not Americans! Get out of this country!ā€

Those were the 13 words Patrick Trebat shouted at Sean Lai and his elderly mother and father just before Mr. Trebat physically attacked them without provocation.

As they were out for a walk, the Lai family was beaten for no reason other than their race and Seanā€™s sexual orientation. 

As members of the LGBT+ community, we feel this was an attack on every one of us. It was a direct attack on our right to exist and to live openly in the District of Columbia. 

We respectfully ask the court to issue the maximum jail sentence so that our community can feel that we are protected, and that we need not live in fear that those who would do us harm will get off easy.  The maximum sentence will deter others from committing this brutal crime on our community and it will show the community that it is never open season on Asian Americans or LGBT+ people or anyone.

What happened to Sean and his parents reminds our community that violence against us ā€” for being ourselves ā€” can happen anywhere at any time: San Francisco City Hall, the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, the Atlanta shooting targeting Asians, an arson fire at a queer nightclub in New York City a month ago and all those unprovoked attacks on streets and subways against Asian Americans in the past two years. 

Violent hate crimes are a plague upon our nation. What’s next? The defendantsā€™ assault on Sean and his family is part of this ongoing horror. 

Despite the progress we have made as a community, the LGBT+ community is still at risk, especially minorities. Murders of trans people have reached epic proportions. And here, this unspeakable attack on an Asian American and his family began with homophobic slurs. 

Sean Lai is openly and proudly gay. He is proud of his Asian heritage. 

He was attacked because of who he is ā€” and that is who we are: Members of a minority, supposedly protected by law against discrimination and violence.

This brutal attack has deeply impacted and harmed us in many ways:  

What happened to Sean brought back bad memories to nearly all of us, and fear and nightmares to some of us. So many of us spent years hiding who we are for fear of rejection and out of fear for our safety. Those of us who were in the closet kept silent as members of our community were bullied or attacked.

Those who have been bullied or attacked will always remember what happened to us. It becomes a part of us. Some in our community ā€” especially our trans siblings ā€” often do not walk alone in parts of D.C. or at certain times of the day because they don’t feel safe unless they are with someone else. Each of us must deal with the emotional harm individually ā€” and attacks like this one ā€” out of the blue, on a pleasant summer evening ā€” in the shadow of the National Cathedral ā€” triggers us in so many ways.

We are sickened and angered by the incidents of physical violence against our community and we are tired of being overlooked or silenced. We are especially angered by the process of the criminal justice system.  

To begin, this was an irrational, unprovoked attack on Sean and his family ā€“ and the community is extremely disappointed that the defendant was not detained pending the outcome of this case.  

Sean and the LGBT+ community have waited months for closure in this criminal case, only to be here today to listen to a plea deal on misdemeanor charges. A victim of another hate crime in DC several years ago may have put it best, when she said, “when you bargain away the hate crime enhancement, you bargain away part of my soul.”

I also want to address the fact that, with respect to the crimes against Sean, the defendant was never charged with a hate crime enhancement with respect to sexual orientation; and, the crime that the defendant pled guilty to did not include any hate crime enhancement at all ā€“ just simple assault. Sean has repeatedly expressed to the prosecutors how important it is that the hate crime enhancements be included for both national origin and sexual orientation. Our community is disappointed that the defendant was not charged with a hate crime based on sexual orientation because a gay person was called “bitch” and “faggot,” physically assaulted, injured. If that’s not a hate crime based on sexual orientation, what is?

A sentence without significant jail time will leave members of the LGBT+ and Asian American community even more victimized, vulnerable and distrustful of the criminal justice system.  

We are here today to implore the court to impose a sentence that will send a clear message that violence against people for who they are will not be tolerated.

We must stop Asian hate. We must stop violence against the LGBT+ community. We must stop violence against all people who are attacked because of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or whatever. This epidemic of hatred and madness and violence is tearing our nation and our community apart. We must not live in fear, one of another. 

We request a long jail sentence that shows that this court affirms the right of every person in the District of Columbia to live honestly, openly, and without fear.

We ask that the court provide justice for Sean and his family, the Asian-Pacific community, and the LGBT+ community. Thank you.  


District of Columbia

D.C. man fatally stabbed by partner was convicted twice for domestic violence

Ted Anthony Brown faces second-degree murder charge



D.C. police said Tommy Hudson, 58, was found unconscious on the front steps of this house at 517 Harvard St., N.W. on May 26 shortly after he was fatally stabbed inside the house by his partner. (Blade photo by Lou Chibbaro, Jr.)

Prosecutors with the Office of the U.S. Attorney for D.C. disclosed in court filings that Tommy Hudson, 58, the gay man who was stabbed to death by his domestic partner on May 26, had a criminal record of eight arrests and convictions between 1987 and 2018, including two domestic violence assault convictions in which the partner charged with killing him was the victim.

Ted Anthony Brown, 54, who court records show had a longtime romantic relationship with Hudson, was charged on May 29 with second-degree murder while armed for allegedly fatally stabbing Hudson inside Brownā€™s apartment at 517 Harvard St., N.W., following an argument  He is being held in jail without bond while awaiting trial.

Charging documents filed in D.C. Superior Court show that at the time of his arrest, Brown waived his Miranda rights to remain silent and confessed to having stabbed Hudson, saying he did so after Hudson punched him in the face while the two were arguing.

ā€œBrown reported that he and the decedent have been involved in a romantic relationship for a significant period and that he was very jealous of the decedentā€™s possible infidelities,ā€ an affidavit by police in support of his arrest states. ā€œSuspect 1 [Brown] reported to detectives that he believed the decedent punching him to the face did not justify Suspect 1 stabbing the decedent, which ultimately killed him,ā€ the affidavit says.

Court records show that prosecutors with the Office of the U.S. Attorney on May 31 sent a letter to Brownā€™s defense attorney, Todd Baldwin, disclosing Hudsonā€™s prior arrests and convictions as part of a required discovery process in which prosecutors must disclose information relevant to a criminal case to the defense, even if the information may be harmful to the prosecutorsā€™ case at trial.

The prosecutorsā€™ letter, sent by Assistant U.S. Attorney Lauren Galloway, says Hudsonā€™s prior convictions include a 2018 charge of violating a Temporary Protection Order requiring he stay away from someone he was accused of threatening with domestic violence; a 2015 charge of domestic violence related simple assault against his partner Brown;  and a 2014 domestic violence related simple assault and unlawful entry charge also involving Brown.

 The letter says Hudson was also convicted of a 2012 charge of Bail Reform Act violation; a 2010 charge of possession of cocaine; a 2002 charge of cruelty to an animal; a 2001 charge of felony ā€œescape;ā€ a 2000 charge of second-degree theft; a 1997 charge of violation of the Bail Reform Act; and a 1987 charge of criminal ā€œcontempt.ā€

Court records, meanwhile, show that on June 17 D.C. Superior Court Judge Anthony Epstein approved a motion by the defense calling for defendant Brown to undergo a mental health competency screening to determine whether he is competent to stand trial. Prosecutors did not oppose the motion. The judge scheduled a ā€œMental Observationā€ hearing for Brown on July 11 to review and assess the findings of the competency screening.

Court records also show that prosecutors agreed to keep a plea bargain offer they made earlier open until the findings of the mental health exam become known.

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District of Columbia

Bernie Delia, attorney, beloved Capital Pride organizer, dies at 68

Activist worked at Justice Department, White House as attorney



Bernie Delia (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key)

Bernie Delia, a founding member of the Capital Pride Alliance, the group that organizes most D.C. LGBTQ Pride events, and who served most recently as co-chair of World Pride 2025, which D.C. will be hosting next June, died unexpectedly on Friday, June 21, according to a statement released by Capital Pride Alliance. He was 68.

ā€œIt is with great sadness that the Capital Pride Alliance mourns the passing of Bernie Delia,ā€ the statement says. ā€œWe will always reflect on his life and legacy as a champion, activist, survivor, mentor, friend, leader, and a true inspiration to the LGBTQ+ community.ā€

The statement says that in addition to serving six years as the Capital Pride Alliance board president, Delia served for several years as president of Dignity Washington, the local LGBTQ Catholic organization, where he helped create ā€œan environment for spiritual enrichment during the height of the AIDS epidemic.ā€

ā€œHe also had a distinguished legal career, serving as one of the first openly gay appointees at the U.S. Department of Justice and later as an appellate attorney,ā€ the statement reads.

Deliaā€™s LinkedIn page shows that he worked at the U.S. Department of Justice for 26 years, serving as an assistant U.S. attorney from 2001 to 2019. Prior to that, he served from 1997 to 2001 as associate deputy attorney general and from 1994 to 1997 served as senior counsel to the director of the Executive Office for United States Attorneys, which provides executive and administrative support for 93 U.S. attorneys located throughout the country.

His LinkedIn page shows he served from January-June 1993 as deputy director of the Office of Presidential Personnel during the administration of President Bill Clinton, in which he was part of the White House staff. And it shows he began his career as legal editor of the Bureau of National Affairs, which published news reports on legal issues, from 1983-1993.

The Capital Pride Alliance statement describes Delia as ā€œan avid runner who served as the coordinator of the D.C. Front Runners and Stonewall Kickball LGBTQ sports groups.”

ā€œHe understood the value, purpose, and the urgency of the LGBTQ+ community to work together and support one another,ā€ the statement says. ā€œHe poured his soul into our journey toward World Pride, which was a goal of his from the start of his involvement with Capital Pride.ā€

The statement adds, ā€œBernie will continue to guide us forward to ensure we meet this important milestone as we gather with the world to be visible, heard, and authentic. We love you, Bernie!ā€

In a statement posted on social media, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser said she and her administration were ā€œheartbrokenā€ over the news of Deliaā€™s passing.

ā€œBernie leaves behind an incredible legacy in our city and country ā€” through his life and advocacy, he helped pave a path for LGBTQIA+ residents in our city and within the federal government to live and work openly and proudly,ā€ the mayor says in her statement.

ā€œHe helped transform Capital Pride into one of the largest and most inclusive Pride celebrations in the nation ā€” a true reflection and representation of our people and values,ā€ the statement says. ā€œThis is the D.C. that Bernie helped build and that he leaves behind.ā€

“All of the hopes and dreams that we had about what Pride could be and what CPA could do, are things that Bernie actualized over the last many years and in his work for next year,ā€ said Vincent Slatt, Rainbow History Projectā€™s director of archiving in a statement. ā€œHe wasn’t the first one to say it, but he always reminded everyone: ā€˜we make each Pride special because, for someone, it is their first Pride, and they’ll remember it always.ā€™ Bernie lived that ideal each and every year. WorldPride 2025 will be a testament to his efforts and his legacy will live on ā€” it will be someone’s first Pride. We’ll try to make Bernie proud of us.ā€

Deliaā€™s oral history interview is part of the Rainbow History Project Archives. You can access it at

Ashley Smith, the Capital Pride Alliance president, said he and other Capital Pride officials became concerned when Delia did not respond to their routine calls or messages. Smith said he called D.C. police to arrange for a welfare check on Delia at his house in Northwest D.C. on Friday, June 21. He said police accompanied him to Deliaā€™s house and police entered the house and found Delia unconscious.

Smith said an ambulance was called and attempts to resuscitate Delia were unsuccessful. Smith said a definitive cause of death had not been determined other than it was due to natural causes. ā€œHe had a heart attack last year, so he had been recovering from that, but he seemed to have been doing in fairly good order,ā€Ā  Smith told the Blade.

Smith said the emergency medical technicians who arrived at the scene and who declared Delia deceased said, ā€œit looked like it probably had to do with the previous heart condition that he already had, and that itā€™s more than likely what it came from,ā€ Smith said in referring to Deliaā€™s passing. “He died peacefully at home,” Smith added.

Smith and Dignity Washington spokesperson Jake Hudson said Deliaā€™s two sisters, one from Baltimore and the other from Charlotte, N.C., were in D.C. working on funeral arrangements. Smith and Hudson said Capital Pride and Dignity planned to consult with the two sisters on plans for a possible Catholic mass in Deliaā€™s honor as well as a celebration of life that Smith said would take place in D.C. in August or September.

Capital Pride was also working with the sisters to create a memorial fund in Deliaā€™s honor that would raise money for the causes and programs that Delia supported over the course of his many years as an activist. ā€œItā€™s still being formulated,ā€ Smith said. ā€œThat will be forthcoming when we get ready to do the celebration of life ceremony and everything else,ā€ he said.

According to Smith, the sisters, in consultation with Joseph Gawlerā€™s and Sons funeral home in Northwest D.C,Ā  were making arrangements for a cremation rather than a burial.

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District of Columbia

D.C. Council budget bill includes $8.5 million in LGBTQ provisions

Measure also changes Mayorā€™s Office of LGBTQ Affairs



The D.C. Council approved Mayor Muriel Bowserā€™s budget proposal calling for $5.25 million in funding for World Pride 2025. (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key)

The D.C. Council on June 12 gave final approval for a $21 billion fiscal year 2025 budget for the District of Columbia that includes more than $8.5 million in funding for LGBTQ-related programs, including $5.25 million in support of the June 2025 World Pride celebration that D.C. will be hosting.

Also included in the budget is $1.7 million in funds for the Mayorā€™s Office of LGBTQ Affairs, which includes an increase of $132,000 over the officeā€™s funding for the current fiscal year, and a one-time funding of $1 million for the completion of the renovation of the D.C. Center for the LGBTQ Communityā€™s new building in the cityā€™s Shaw neighborhood.

The D.C. LGBTQ+ Budget Coalition earlier this year asked both the D.C. Council and Mayor Muriel Bowser to approve $1.5 million for the D.C. Centerā€™s building renovation and an additional $300,000 in ā€œrecurringā€ funding for the LGBTQ Center in subsequent years ā€œto support ongoing operational costs and programmatic initiatives.ā€ In its final budget measure, the Council approved $1 million for the renovation work and did not approve the proposed $600,000 in annual operational funding for the center.

The mayorā€™s budget proposal, which called for the $5.25 million in funding for World Pride 2025, did not include funding for the D.C. LGBTQ Center or for several other funding requests by the LGBTQ+ Budget Coalition.

At the request of D.C. Council member Zachary Parker (D-Ward 5), the Councilā€™s only gay member, the Council approved at least two other funding requests by the LGBTQ+ Budget Coalition in addition to the funding for the LGBTQ Center. One is $595,000 for 20 additional dedicated housing vouchers for LGBTQ residents who face housing insecurity or homelessness. The LGBTQ housing vouchers are administered by the Office of LGBTQ Affairs.

The other funding allocation pushed by Parker is $250,000 in funds to support a Black LGBTQ+ History Commission and Black LGBTQIA+ history program that Parker proposed that will also be administered by the LGBTQ Affairs office.

Also at Parkerā€™s request, the Council included in its budget bill a proposal by Parker to change the Mayorā€™s Office of LGBTQ Affairs to become a ā€œstand-alone entityā€ outside the Executive Office of the Mayor. Parker told the Washington Blade this change would ā€œallow for greater transparency and accountability that reflects its evolution over the years.ā€

He said the change would also give the person serving as the officeā€™s director, who is currently LGBTQ rights advocate Japer Bowles, ā€œgreater flexibility to advocate for the interest of LGBTQ residentsā€ and give the Council greater oversight of the office. Parker noted that other community constituent offices under the mayorā€™s office, including the Office of Latino Affairs and the Office of Veterans Affairs, are stand-alone offices.

The budget bill includes another LGBTQ funding provision introduced by D.C. Council member Charles Allen (D-Ward 6) that allocates $100,000 in grants to support LGBTQ supportive businesses in Ward 6 that would be awarded and administered by the Office of LGBTQ Affairs. Allen spokesperson Eric Salmi said Allen had in mind two potential businesses on 8th Street, S.E. in the Barracks Row section of Capitol Hill as potential applicants for the grants.

One is the LGBTQ cafĆ© and bar As You Are, which had to close temporarily earlier this year due to structural problems in the building it rents. The other potential applicant, Salmi said, is Little District Books, D.C.ā€™s only LGBTQ bookstore thatā€™s located on 8th Street across the street from the U.S. Marine Barracks.

ā€œItā€™s kind of recognizing Barrackā€™s Row has a long history of creating spaces that are intended for and safe for the LGBTQ community and wanting to continue that history,ā€ Salmi said  ā€œSo, that was his kind of intent behind the language in that funding.ā€

The mayorā€™s budget proposal also called for continuing an annual funding of $600,000 to provide workforce development services for transgender and gender non-conforming city residents experiencing homelessness and housing instability.

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