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Libs of TikTok extremist group attacks Canadian LGBTQ youth center

OutLoud North Bay Center received death threats



(Photo courtesy of the OutLoud North Bay Center)

The LGBTQ youth center in North Bay, a quiet city located about three hours north of Toronto, is currently under siege with death threats and extremist anti-LGBTQ bullying. In fact the flow of hate washing over this small center is a virtual tsunami.

The striking aspect to all of this ugly vitriol is that a massive percentage is coming from online, in text, voice mail messages and comments left on the center’s social media accounts from outside of Canada.

CTV Northern Ontario journalist Eric Taschner reported Friday that the catalyst was a post two days earlier by the right-wing anti-LGBTQ Libs of TikTok social media accounts that contained the announcement by OutLoud North Bay Center for its scheduled youth drag show, slated for July 15.Ā 

What happened next was beyond shocking, Taschner told the Washington Blade in a phone call Saturday afternoon. In fact the hateful actions by the outside sources has involved the North Bay Police Service and badly scared the center’s youth as well as overwhelmed its director, Seth Compton.

Speaking to CTV Northern Ontario, Compton said his staff and even youth who attend the space have been targeted.

ā€œI got up at 4 a.m. to thousands of emails, tweets, messages on social media platforms that were so discriminatory and full of hate,ā€ Compton said Friday, fighting back tears. ā€œThe average person wouldnā€™t be able to bear that ā€¦ never in my 47 years have I ever experienced this.”

The messages and comments include a range of obscene accusations and comments, he said.

ā€œPeople are sharing my personal photo saying Iā€™m a pedophile and adults here should be tossed into a wood chipper,” Compton said. “Kids have received messages that they’re groomed and parents have received messages that they’re child abusers.”

Compton briefly texted with the Blade Saturday noting: “I can send you our media release. Now that I’ve had a minute. I don’t know if I can add to what took place yesterday. I’m emotionally broken. I am an advocate but I’m human too and need a minute.Ā I’m afraid to draw any more attention, because ‘Libs of TikTok’ have seemed to move on to something new. The hate and harassment hasn’t stopped but I couldn’t handle a second wave of hate to that extent. My focus moving forward is the kids. We need to keep them safe.”

CTV’s Taschner told the Blade that the levels of animosity and the hate expressed were unlike any seen prior and noted that there were hate-filled ugly posts from nations way beyond even the U.S.

Earlier this spring, the Washington Post’s reporter Taylor Lorenz confirmed that Chaya Raichik is behind formerly anonymous ā€˜Libs of TikTok.ā€™ The influential anti-LGBTQ account has has been trademarked as a ā€œnews reporter serviceā€ by a Republican operative, although the Post notes that ā€œRaichik has claimed to run the account alone.ā€

In a profile written by Slate magazine’s Jeremy Stahl, reported that Raichik, a Brooklyn, N.Y., real estate agent, “has become a powerful voice in the culture wars, pushing discourse designed to demonize supporters of LGBTQ rights as sexually predatory ‘groomers’ of children.”

The account has been promoted by podcast host Joe Rogan, itā€™s been featured in the New York Post, the Federalist, the Post Millennial and a slew of other right-wing news sites. Meghan McCain has retweeted it. The online influencer Glenn Greenwald has amplified it to his 1.8 million Twitter followers while calling himself the accountā€™s ā€œGodfather.ā€

Last April, Raichik appeared anonymously on Tucker Carlsonā€™s show to complain about being temporarily suspended for violating Twitterā€™s community guidelines. Fox News often creates news packages around the content that “Libs of TikTok” has surfaced.

Slate also noted in its piece that Raichik has also made a name for herself by helping to blow up fights within school systems and among teachers and students, even getting a number of teachers removed from their jobs.

More problematic however is that Raichik is inspiring a virtual army of anti-LGBTQ adherents including the white supremacist group, the Proud Boys, to take direct action against these events. Over the course of this past Pride Month alone, the Proud Boys have disrupted more than 10 LGBTQ events ranging from drag queen story hours to Pride events.

In a column a week ago, Blade columnist James Finn pointed out that the Proud Boys have particularly targeted family Pride events, succeeding in having several postponed or cancelled through acts of disruption designed to sow fear and even terror.

In one highly publicized incident in the Northern California city of Woodland, the Proud Boys attempted to enter a bar and restaurant hosting an all-ages drag show. However, their efforts were stymied by bar patrons who defended the entrance and pepper-sprayed the white supremacists.

ā€œFuck you, pedophile motherfuckers!ā€ shouted the masked man as patrons of the Mojo Lounge pepper sprayed him to stop him and other members of the Proud Boys from forcing their way inside.

Canada’s public safety minister, Bill Blair, in February 2021 announced the addition of the Proud Boys, an organization founded in 2016 by a Canadian living in the U.S and two neo-Nazi networks, Atomwaffen and The Base, to Canada’s terror entity list.

While the Proud Boys has not been identified as a component entity of the attack on the North Bay OutLoud youth center, a senior FBI source told the Blade Saturday evening that “it was highly likely-in fact probable, that individuals who are either members of the the Proud Boys or affiliated in some way are involved.”

Back in Northern Ontario, OutLoud staff and the community continue to scramble to create a buffer and a safety zone for their kids CTV reported.

Photo Credit: OutLoud North Bay

North Bay Pride CEO Jocelyn Green said the organization is working with OutLoud to support the staff and youth in the city.

ā€œIā€™m absolutely abhorred and disgusted,ā€ Green said. ā€œI can’t believe this kind of hate still exists. It’s like we’ve gone backwards in time.”

Compton is calling on the community for its support during this troubling time.

ā€œWe need to come together as a community because this is something that not only happens worldwide,ā€ he said. ā€œIt’s happening right here in our community.”

The local police service is actively investigating the tsunami of hate speech and ugly homophobic diatribes CTV’s Taschner told the Blade.

North Bay Police Service Inspector Jeff Warner told reporters in a briefing that police officials are ā€œaware of the offensive and hateful comments OutLoud has received via social mediaā€ and that his department is ā€œdeploying resources.ā€

ā€œWe are going to watchĀ the comments and if any of them cross the line into criminal activity we will actĀ for sure.ā€

Warner was asked what that line would be.

ā€œIf comments or actions turn into what is chosenĀ a hate crime for a designated group in the community, we take those investigations very seriously. We will investigate those thoroughly,ā€ he said.

The most prominent slurs center on accusations that LGBTQ people and their allies are pedophiles, using the word ā€œgrooming,ā€ which the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children defines as when ā€œsomeone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them.ā€

The term has been weaponized online, and it now appears almost constantly on many social media platforms. Data from the social media platform Reddit analyzed by Jeremy Blackburn, an assistant professor of computer science at Binghamton University in New York who studies online extremism, found about a 100 percent increase since the beginning of the year in discussion of ā€œgroomingā€ in conjunction with various LGBTQ slurs starting in early March and accelerating in mid-to-late March.

Inspector Warner was also asked by reporters how hard it would be to findĀ the sender of these messages.

ā€œWhen it is online activity, they are difficult to investigate. They areĀ not impossible ā€” we do have resources and we can liaison with other policing agencies that have the expertise in tracking down where some of these comments originate.ā€

Warner then voiced his displeasure over the youth center being a target of hate.

ā€œIt is disappointing. OutLoudĀ has been supporting the youth in the community since 2019. It is a safe place for the youth to go. OutLoudĀ is committed to the mental health and well-being of the youth in the community.Ā It is just disappointing to see the hateful, hurtful comments directed towards the youth.ā€

Watch CTV Northern Ontario’s story here.




Toronto Pride parade cancelled after pro-Palestinian protesters disrupt it

Protest took place more than three hours after it began



The 2024 Toronto Pride parade on June 30, 2024. (Screen capture via Johnny Strides/YouTube)

Toronto Pride parade organizers on Sunday cancelled the annual event after a group of pro-Palestinian protesters disrupted it.

Media reports indicate more than two dozen protesters blocked the parade near the intersection of Yonge and Wellesley Streets, and chanted “from the river to the sea” and “Pride was a riot.”

The Toronto StarĀ reportedĀ the protesters disrupted the parade at around 5:30 p.m., more than three hours after it began. Toronto Pride around 45 minutes later announced the parade’s cancellation.

“Today, we made the decision to cancel the remainder of the Pride Parade out of our commitment to ensuring public safety,” they said in a statement. “While we deeply respect and uphold everyone’s right to peacefully protest, our foremost priority is the well-being of all participants and spectators.”

“We recognize the Pride parade as a highly anticipated event that many organizations and individuals eagerly prepare for,” it added. “We empathize with those who were looking forward to participating and regret any inconvenience caused by this decision.”

The Coalition Against Pinkwashing organized the protest.

Protesters disrupt NYC Pride parade

This yearā€™s Pride Month took place eight months after Hamas launched its surprise attack against southern Israel.

The Israeli government says Hamas militants killed roughly 1,200 people on Oct. 7, 2023, including at least 260 partygoers and others at the Nova Music Festival. The Israeli government says upwards of 80 people who were taken hostage on Oct. 7 remain alive in the Gaza Strip.

The Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry says more than 35,000 people have died in the enclave since the war began. The National LGBTQ Task Force and Outright International are among the groups that have called for a ceasefire.

The New York Daily News reported the New York Police Department on Sunday arrested 10 pro-Palestinian protesters who disrupted the city’s annual Pride parade near the Stonewall Inn. The newspaper said those who the NYPD took into custody, among other things, threw red paint onto a pickup truck inside police barricades.

The Telegraph on SaturdayĀ reportedĀ London police arrested more than 30 pro-Palestinian activists to prevent them from disrupting the city’s annual Pride parade that took place on the same day.

A Wider Bridge, a group that “advocates for justice, counters LGBTQphobia, and fights antisemitism and other forms of hatred,ā€ last month called upon Pride organizers to ensure Jewish can safely participate in their events.

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Canadian Pride events ban anti-transgender politicians

United Conservative Party officials pushing anti-trans measures in Alberta, Saskatchewan



Edmonton Pride Festival at Churchill Square in 2023. (Photo courtesy of the Edmonton Pride Festivalā€™s Facebook page)

Pride festivals in two of Canadaā€™s most politically conservative provinces are putting their feet down and barring lawmakers who are pushing anti-transgender legislation from participating in Pride festivities this season.

This week, nine Pride festivals across Alberta ā€” including those in the largest cities Calgary and Edmonton ā€” put out a joint statement that they will ā€œnot allow the participation of the United Conservative Party (UCP) in our 2024 Pride celebrations.ā€ The move came days after several Pride festivals in neighboring Saskatchewan announced they had barred the conservative Saskatchewan Party from participating in their parades.

Both provinces have recently passed or announced policies that would harm trans youth. 

Last year, Saskatchewan enacted a regulation that would require schools to out gender non-conforming children to their parents, and when the regulation was struck down by a court, the government enacted a law using the ā€œnotwithstandingā€ rule that allows governments to circumvent the federal Charter of Rights.

In January, Albertaā€™s conservative government announced it would bring forward legislation in the fall to ban gender confirming surgeries on minors, restrict hormone treatment for minors under 16, bar trans children from playing in gender-appropriate school sports, and require parental notification for students to use a preferred name or pronoun.

ā€œThis is a direct response to Premier Danielle Smithā€™s stated intention to infringe on the rights, freedoms, and healthcare of the transgender community in Alberta,ā€ the statement put out by the Alberta Pride organizations reads. ā€œYou may not join our celebrations in June when you plan to attack us in September.ā€ 

ā€œQueer rights should not be a political decision. Trans rights are human rights. We invite Premier Smith to re-consider her harmful and damaging policies and engage in meaningful discussions with the Two Spirit, Trans, Nonbinary, and Queer community.ā€

Other Pride festivals barring the UCP from participating include festivals in Red Deer, Lethbridge, Banff, Canmore, Lacombe, Jasper, Fort Saskatchewan, and Okotoks. The statement was also joined by three queer service organizations.

ā€œWhen queer people are being attacked by our government, we come together and get things done,ā€ says James Demers, a community organizer with Queer Citizens United, the umbrella organization of Alberta Pride societies that put together the statement. 

Queen City Pride, which organizes the annual Pride festival in Saskatchewanā€™s capital of Regina, was the first city to announce that it would not allow the Saskatchewan Party to participate in its events.

ā€œWe decided as a board that we might have to put some distance between us and the Saskatchewan Party. We were very hopeful that they would change course, but theyā€™ve gone against our Charter of Rights. Weā€™re not ok with this, and theyā€™re not backing down,ā€ says Queen City Pride Co-Executive Director Riviera Bonneau.

The Saskatchewan Party has participated in the Queen City Pride in the past, with Premier Scott Moe even marching in the parade in 2019. At the time, he told CTV News he believed it was the ā€œright thing for a premier to do.ā€

ā€œThe thing that triggered our announcement was that the Saskatchewan Party had put forward a registration to participate in our parade,ā€ Bonneau says. ā€œI donā€™t know why theyā€™d want to participate, but they did try.ā€

Bonneau says she communicated with other Pride festivals in the province before announcing the decision publicly, as she didnā€™t want to pressure other festivals to make the same decision. In the event, Pride festivals in Prince Albert, Moose Jaw, Swift Current, and the Battlefords announced that they would not allow the Saskatchewan Party to participate, while a spokesperson for Saskatoon Pride told CBC that it would carefully vet any application to participate, and the Party would be unlikely to be accepted.

While the federal Conservative Party has offered support for the anti-trans policies announced by both provinces, Bonneau says her organization has not banned the federal party yet for a simple reason: it hasnā€™t applied to participate. 

But Demers says his groupā€™s stance is that the federal Conservatives are not welcome at the member festivals either.

ā€œTheyā€™re not any nicer to us than the UCP are. I think the consequence extends to them as well,ā€ he says.

Demers says that the federal Conservative Party often applies to participate in Albertaā€™s Pride festivals, but is typically rejected.

ā€œWe have an application process for all of our Prides, and they never pass the process. Theyā€™ll typically hold a barbeque somewhere and call it a Pride event, but they have not been invited,ā€ Demers says. ā€œWeā€™ve now formally disinvited them. We would not like them to show up and pretend that they care about us as their constituents. Itā€™s us making it clear that they are not welcome.ā€

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Prominent Ugandan activist asks for asylum in Canada

Steven Kabuye stabbed outside his home on Jan. 3



Steven Kabuye (Photo via X)

A prominent Ugandan activist who was stabbed outside his home earlier this year has asked for asylum in Canada.

Two men on motorcycles attacked Steven Kabuye, co-executive director of Coloured Voice Truth to LGBTQ Uganda, on Jan. 3 while he was going to work. 

Kabuye posted a video to his X account that showed him on the ground writhing in pain with a deep laceration on his right forearm and a knife embedded in his stomach.

He spoke with the Washington Blade from Kenya on Jan. 8 while he was receiving treatment. Kabuye arrived in Canada on March 6.

Kabuye during an April 27 telephone interview with the Blade from Canada said Rainbow Railroad, a group that works with LGBTQ and intersex refugees, helped him “get away from the dangers that were awaiting me in Kenya and Uganda.” Kabuye said he asked for asylum in Canada because he “cannot return to either Uganda or Kenya.”

“The Ugandan government fails to get the culprits who wanted to end my life,” he said.

Kabuye told the Blade that Ugandan police officials threaten his colleagues when he publicly speaks about his case.

“Every time I come up and demand for the police to act out, they end up calling the colleagues of mine that remain in Uganda and intimidate them so they can scare me off, so they can make me pack up and keep quiet,” he said.

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni last May signed his country’s Anti-Homosexuality Act that, among other things, contains a death penalty provision for “aggravated homosexuality.” 

Canadian Foreign Minister MĆ©lanie Joly described the law as a “blatant violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of LGBTQ+ Ugandans.”

The U.S. has sanctioned Ugandan officials and removed the country from a duty-free trade program. The World Bank Group also suspended new loans to Uganda in response to the Anti-Homosexuality Act.

The Ugandan Constitutional Court last month refused to ā€œnullify the Anti-Homosexuality Act in its totality.ā€ A group of Ugandan LGBTQ activists have appealed the ruling.

“The previously concluded ruling did not make a difference,” said Kabuye.

Kabuye told the Blade he has an interview with Canadian immigration officials on Friday. He said he will continue to advocate on LGBTQ Ugandans from Canada. 

“I’m very grateful to Rainbow Railroad,” said Kabuye. “They’ve still given me a chance to continue my advocacy.”

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