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LGBTQ Non-Profit Organizations

Mayor Parker: LGBTQ elected leaders are ‘the strongest line of defense’

Outgoing Victory Fund president on her departure — and urgent need to defeat Trump



Former Houston Mayor Annise Parker, president and CEO of the LGBTQ+ Victory Fund and LGBTQ+ Victory Institute (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key)

The Washington Blade connected with former Houston Mayor Annise Parker last week, shortly after breaking the news of her departure from the LGBTQ Victory Fund and LGBTQ Victory Institute after six years of serving as president and CEO.

The organizations are, respectively, dedicated to increasing the number of public officeholders who are LGBTQ and providing training and resources for them, whether they are appointed or elected to the positions they hold.

Parker’s exit was planned since last July, in coordination with the boards of directors. “We worked out the timing together,” she said. “I wanted 2024 to be my last year, but I also think we all recognize the importance of this election and what’s going on politically,” and for these reasons “I wanted to [leave] in the least disruptive way possible.”

This means staying on through the end of this year, in part to assist the boards in “a thoughtful search process” for her successor.

Parker told the Blade she agreed to take the helm at Victory at a time when the organization had strong foundations but “lost its way a little bit” by straying from its “really narrow mission,” which is “to put LGBT leaders into public office.”

“In my view, one of the most important things I did was bring us back to where we started,” she said. “We’re the only national organization that only works with LGBT leaders. We love our allies and we respect our allies, but they are not our mission.”

So far this year, conservative lawmakers have proposed more than 400 bills targeting the rights of LGBTQ Americans. The moral panic stoked by the right wing against queer and especially trans people brings into sharp relief the importance of the work in which Victory is engaged, Parker said.

“Because of these ever growing attacks on our community, the need for LGBT leaders who are willing to step up and serve and run for office has never been greater,” she said. When Victory was founded “33 years ago, there were just a handful of folks; most of our community was in the closet.”

Parker remembers, “I ran for the first time in 1991, the year Victory was founded. It was a long time ago. We were pioneers. But now we are the strongest line of defense. And the barbarians are at the gate.”

Then, as now, coming out “in all aspects of our lives” is “the most powerful thing we do,” Parker said — a lesson she first learned as an activist in the 1970s. “It still matters,” she said. Candidates backed by Victory are often voters’ first exposure to gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, or genderqueer people, she noted — “and it changes hearts and minds.”

Many begin their careers in public service at school boards or other local offices, but go on to serve in progressively higher-profile roles, Parker said. She pointed to Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, who is gay, and served as a statewide education official before his election to the U.S. Congress and then the governorship.

The importance of local races must not be overlooked, Parker stressed. To take the example of school boards, she said, “folks on the other side” like the anti-LGBTQ extremist group Moms for Liberty are “targeting school boards for the same reasons that Victory works in school boards.” So, “we need to be where our enemies are.”

Opponents of LGBTQ rights “see what’s happening demographically, in terms of changing attitudes, about all sorts of things — including the LGBT community,” and while “we have won this war,” generationally speaking with increased acceptance, Parker warned that “we can still lose a whole lot of battles.”

“These overt attacks, you know, they didn’t have to attack us 30 years ago in the same way, because we had no protections,” Parker said. “This is part of the backlash for all of the successes that we’ve had.”

An example of that success: “There is no place in America,” she said, “that is not accessible to the right LGBT candidates with the right mix of ideas and energy and insights for that district to win.”

Parker added, “And part of the reason that we push so hard for our trans candidates that we work with, is that they’re the tip of the spear right now. They’re the ones that are the target of the attacks.”

At the same time, she is clear-eyed about the threat presented by the presumptive Republican nominee for president.

“What keeps me awake is the idea that Donald Trump could again become the president of the United States,” Parker said. “That is horrifying. And I would I would willingly lose every other race to keep him away from — I mean, I just perceive him as an existential threat to democracy in America.”

Here, again, part of the bulwark against this threat will be “our candidates,” who are “mobilizing people who will be in direct opposition to the horrific vision of America that he’s pushing,” Parker said. “I absolutely believe there’s a fundamental difference between the two presidential candidates that we’re going to have. And I also believe that it’s critical for democracy not to have Donald Trump.”

The fight for bodily autonomy

The Victory Fund endorses LGBTQ candidates who are positioned to win and who also believe in bodily autonomy; the right to privacy that undergirds not only protections for LGBTQ people but also reproductive freedoms.

“When we were founded,” Parker said, the attacks on body autonomy were happening on multiple fronts, from restrictions on access to abortion to sodomy statutes that criminalized gay sex acts between consenting adults.

“All these trans issues we’re facing right now are about bodily autonomy,” she said. “We can have a legitimate argument about gender affirming care for people under 18 or even under 21, but for adults, it is about body autonomy.”

Likewise, under the right to privacy rubric, “more and more places are rethinking how we deal with those who abuse substances,” she said, adding that anyone who is LGBT has to care about a right to privacy that incorporates body autonomy.

Parker explained that “Over the years, there have been a lot of men that I’ve talked to who asked the same question, ‘Well, why do you have to be pro choice?’ Our candidates don’t have to believe in or want to support abortion, but they must believe that every human being has the right to body autonomy, because they demand it for themselves.”

As a result, and because of the Republican Party’s hostility toward reproductive freedom and the rights of trans people, Parker said “it is really challenging to find Republican candidates” who qualify under the criteria for Victory Fund as an endorsing PAC.

Most conservative candidates who object to the criteria about abortion “also have problems with the fact that we are fully supportive of the trans community,” she said.

Feeding the pipeline

Asked about plans for Victory following her departure, Parker said there are concrete goals and metrics that were established in the organizations’ five-year strategic plan, among them, building a roster of “LGBT candidates who are ready for the presidential stage.”

The Victory Fund endorsed former South Bend, Ind., mayor and current U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg’s presidential run in 2020 — but even though he was the only LGBTQ candidate, the endorsement was hardly a foregone conclusion.

“I am a huge Pete Buttigieg fan,” Parker said. “I think he’s got mad political skills,” but at the same time, she hedged, “when you think of presidential candidates, you think of governors” or folks who are well known on the national stage, often with many years of service in public office.

“From the first notice to his first announcement, we waited six months because — and I had the conversation with him — you have to poll consistently; you have to be competitive financially; and show you can place in these primaries,” Parker said. “And he did.”

The Transportation Secretary has “superb political instincts,” she said. “He is brilliant. He has the ability to connect to people. And he thinks really strategically.” Parker added that she expects to be able to vote for him again.

Also in Victory’s roster of potential presidential candidates are “three governors and a former governor, Kate Brown” along with “other statewide elected officials — so we have two attorneys general, two United States senators,” and “big city mayors; I’m a former big city mayor,” and then “you have [San Diego Mayor] Todd Gloria and [former Chicago Mayor] Lori Lightfoot.”


LGBTQ Non-Profit Organizations

Pro-Palestinian activists protest LGBTQ group’s gala in NYC

Israel-Hamas war opposition to overshadow Pride events



Pro-Palestinian protesters protest outside Outright International's 2024 Celebration of Courage Gala in New York on June 3, 2024. (Washington Blade photo by Michael K. Lavers)

NEW YORK — More than 300 people who protested outside an Outright International gala on Monday criticized the organization for its “silence and refusal to use” its network “and advocacy to provide immediate relief to Palestinians” who remain in the Gaza Strip.

Members of ACT UP, the Audre Lorde Project and other groups who were outside Pier 60 in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood handed out flyers that read “Israel bombs queers” and “no Pride in genocide” as gala attendees arrived. A press release notes upwards of 100 people held a “die-in” for 241 seconds “to signify the 241 days of Israel’s bombardment of Palestine.”

(washington blade video by michael k. lavers)

Actor Billy Porter is among those who Outright International honored at the gala.

Protest organizers in their press release noted Porter “signed onto a statement in support of the Zionist state of Israel” after Hamas, which the U.S. has designated a terrorist organization, launched its surprise attack against southern Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. The press release also criticized Porter over his “problematic comments in which he rebuffed James Baldwin’s anti-Zionist, pro-Palestinian stance while claiming to be the best person to direct and star in Baldwin’s biopic.”

ACT UP further reiterated its demands for Outright International, which advocates for LGBTQ and intersex rights around the world.

• Amplify the struggle to decolonize Palestine

• Support local LGBTIQ Palestinian orgs with funding

• Advocate at the United Nations to stop US-supported human rights violations

• Disclose and divest from funders with links to Israel

Outright International on Oct. 27 publicly called for a ceasefire in Gaza. Maria Sjödin, the group’s executive director, on Monday noted the protest during their speech at the gala.

“Activism for a better world takes many forms, and that is a great thing,” said Sjödin. “One of those forms is to protest and some of you saw this action on the way in.”

The Washington Blade attended the gala, and saw some attendees wearing keffiyahs and watermelon patches that have emerged as symbols of Palestinian solidarity since the war between Israel and Hamas began after Oct. 7. Gala attendees cheered when Sjödin said Outright International “supports a peaceful protest without any reservation.” 

“Outright supports the spirit of the protest to bring attention to the loss of human lives,” they said.

The Israeli government says Hamas militants killed roughly 1,200 people on Oct. 7, including at least 260 partygoers and others at the Nova Music Festival. The Israeli government on Tuesday said roughly 80 people who were taken hostage on Oct. 7 remain alive in the Gaza Strip.

The Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry says more than 35,000 people have died in the enclave since the war began.

The International Criminal Court on May 20 announced it plans to issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and three Hamas leaders — Yehya Sinwar, Mohammed Deif, and Ismail Haniyeh. Karim Khan, the ICC’s chief prosecutor, said the five men have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza and Israel. 

“The ICC prosecutor’s application for arrest warrants against Israeli leaders is outrageous,” said President Joe Biden in a May 20 statement. “Let me be clear: Whatever this prosecutor (Khan) might imply, there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas. We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security.”

The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday by a 247-155 vote margin approved a bill that would sanction the ICC. Forty-two Democrats supported the measure.

U.S. Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.), who is a vocal supporter of Israel, on Sunday in an X post said “anti-Israel activists tore down the flag honoring me” on Fire Island as the first gay Afro-Latino person elected to Congress and “instead put up a flag honoring queer Palestinians.” The New York Democrat in another message wrote that ACT UP New York “proudly admits to illegally vandalizing the flag honoring me.”

Pro-Palestine protesters on Sunday disrupted the Philadelphia Pride March.

The annual D.C. Dyke March, which will be called Dykes Against Ge(NO)cide this year, will take place in Lafayette Park on Friday. A “Stop the Genocide” protest is scheduled to occur in front of the White House on Saturday at noon.

The Capital Pride Parade will begin three hours later at 14th and T Streets, N.W. Porter is among those who are scheduled to perform at the Capital Pride Festival that will take place on Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., on Sunday.

The Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity and the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights are among the groups on Tuesday that demanded Pride parade and national LGBTQ rights groups “immediately ban the corporations responsible for fueling the genocide in Gaza and worldwide colonial violence from sponsoring or participating in Pride events.” The organizations also released a set of demands that include:

  • Ban weapons manufacturers from both participation in and sponsorship of Pride events.  
  • Support Palestinians and their resistance efforts. 
  • Condemn and work to dismantle pinkwashing and homonationalism. 
  • Call for an immediate, permanent ceasefire and an end to arming Israel. 
  • Cut ties with all organizations that profit from war, detention, and incarceration, environmental destruction, and displacement. 
  • Ban police from marching and participating in Pride, and denounce state violence. 

“Over the past eight months, queer and trans people have been at the forefront of mobilizing for a liberated Palestine,” said Firas Nasr, a nonbinary activist and organizer who is based in D.C., in a press release. “Yet Pride organizations — and national LGBTQIA+ orgs that claim to represent our community — have largely remained silent while championing corporations behind the genocide.”

Nasir is among the upwards of 200 people who marched from Dupont Circle to the Human Rights Campaign in February and called upon it and other LGBTQ rights organizations to “demand an end to genocide and occupation of Palestine.” No Pride in Genocide organized the protest.

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LGBTQ Non-Profit Organizations

Pride organizers urged to ensure Jewish people can safely participate in events

A Wider Bridge sent letter to Capital Pride Alliance, other event organizers



Members of A Wider Bridge and other LGBTQ Jewish groups participate in the Israel Day Parade in New York on June 2, 2024. (Photo courtesy of Ethan Felson)

A Wider Bridge has called upon Pride organizers across the country to ensure Jewish people can safely participate in their events.

The group, which “advocates for justice, counters LGBTQphobia, and fights antisemitism and other forms of hatred,” sent a letter to the Capital Pride Alliance and more than 60 other Pride organizers.

“We know that the 2024 Pride season promises to be enormously important for our community,” wrote A Wider Bridge Executive Director Ethan Felson. “With LGBTQ+ rights under attack, our collective energy, commitment, and passion are needed more than ever. We deeply appreciate your tireless work to ensure that our voices are heard and that our community can come together, even in challenging times, to protest injustice and to celebrate our identities.”

“We write with a pressing concern,” added Felson.

This year’s Pride Month will take place eight months after Hamas launched its surprise attack against southern Israel.

The Israeli government says Hamas militants killed roughly 1,200 people on Oct. 7, 2023, including at least 260 partygoers and others at the Nova Music Festival. The Israeli government on Tuesday said roughly 80 people who were taken hostage on Oct. 7 remain alive in the Gaza Strip.

The Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry says more than 35,000 people have died in the enclave since the war began. The National LGBTQ Task Force and Outright International are among the groups that have called for a ceasefire.

A press release that announced A Wider Bridge’s letter notes antisemitic attacks increased 337 percent between Oct. 7 and Dec. 7, and 93 percent of Jewish people said “antisemitism is a real problem in America.” The press release further notes LGBTQ Jewish people “have previously faced discrimination at Pride events” that include three people who said organizers of Chicago’s Dyke March in 2017 refused to allow them to participate because they had Jewish Pride flags.

“This year, ahead of Pride, we are seeing and hearing about attacks online against queer Jewish and Zionist individuals,” said A Wider Bridge in the press release.

The letter includes five recommendations for Pride event organizers.

  • Engage with local LGBTQ+ Jews: Actively reach out to your local LGBTQ+ Jewish community, learn what their specific safety concerns are, and establish a relationship if you don’t already have one.
  • Consult with safety personnel in advance: Assuming that law enforcement will be present at Pride, make it clear that they should respond to anti-Jewish harassment or violence according to agreed-upon protocols for any such behavior. Share relevant guidelines with Pride marshals and provide de-escalation training so they are equipped to reduce tensions.
  • Carefully vet performers: In this tense political climate, it is more important than ever to vet performers both for the ability to speak respectfully to and about a diverse audience and to set clear expectations for performances at your event.
  • Familiarize yourself with and display inclusive Pride flags: Jews have been excluded from Pride spaces for wearing a Jewish star or bringing Pride flags with Jewish stars, an ancient symbol of Jewish identity. Familiarize yourself with symbols that Jewish LGBTQ+ people may wear or display.
  • Do not allow gate-keeping of LGBTQ+ Jews: Do not use litmus tests to determine which Jews are welcome at Pride, such as only permitting Jews with certain beliefs around or relationships with Israel and Palestine. All Jews should be welcome at Pride events.

Capital Pride has yet to respond to the Washington Blade’s request for comment on the letter.

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LGBTQ Non-Profit Organizations

Record number of students reached by HRC’s anti-bullying program this year

Schools are seeing a wave of anti-LGBTQ harassment and hate crimes



Human Rights Campaign headquarters in Washington, D.C. (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key)

The Human Rights Campaign’s Welcoming Schools program reached a record 750,000 students in fiscal year 2024 — supporting communities that are contending with the dramatic rise, in recent years, of anti-LGBTQ harassment and reported hate crimes in schools.

Data on the expanded reach of HRC’s pre-K-12 anti-bullying program, now in its 16th year, was included in the group’s fourth annual Welcoming Schools report, released on Tuesday.

“Welcoming Schools has continued to serve as a beacon, providing accessible training, resources, and actionable policies and practices at a time when proposals for anti-LGBTQ+ legislation specifically targeting our youth is at a devastatingly high level,” the group’s president, Kelley Robinson, said in the report’s introduction.

A third of the more than 550 anti-LGBTQ bills that were introduced across the U.S. last year have targeted LGBTQ inclusion in classrooms, disproportionately impacting transgender and gender-expansive youth, HRC noted in a press release announcement.

The “unsurprising result” of these legislative attacks, the organization wrote, has been a documented rise in bullying and harassment encountered by queer youth in educational settings.

According to an analysis of FBI statistics reported in March by the Washington Post, “the number of hate crimes on K-12 campuses” in states with restrictive laws “has more than quadrupled since the onset of a divisive culture war that has often centered on the rights of LGBTQ+ youth.”

The paper also found that “calls to LGBTQ+ youth crisis hotlines have exploded, with some advocates drawing a connection between the political climate and the spike in bullying and hate crimes.”

And in a survey published in November by HRC and the University of Connecticut, nearly 60 percent of LGBTQ teens reported that they had experienced bullying in school over their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Cheryl Greene, senior director of the Welcoming Schools program, said in the press release that “this work across local school districts is crucial to the success of our kids in school, especially as we’ve seen and heard from families who are uprooting their lives and moving states just to find more accepting, inclusive environments.”

“Our 2024 annual report showcases the tremendous impact of our trainings and resources in fostering environments where all students can thrive,” she said.

Robinson highlighted that Welcoming Schools’ “latest initiatives showcase our commitment to expanding opportunities for secondary-level training, making resources more accessible through Spanish translation, and embracing the power of e-learning.”

This year, the program’s ninth annual National Day of Reading was titled, “A Celebration of Stories Supporting Transgender and Non-Binary Youth” saw 36,000 participants and reached 130,000 people on social media. 

According to the report, “Since 2011, Welcoming Schools has trained educators in all 50 States, plus D.C., Aruba, Bahamas, Denmark, El Salvador, Germany, Honduras, Mexico, Qatar, Taiwan, and Uganda.”

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