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Out in the World: LGBTQ news from Europe and Asia

Russia investigating Duolingo for allegedly spreading ‘LGBTQ propaganda’



(Los Angeles Blade graphic)


Opening screen on the popular learning app that teaches more than 40 languages to more than 60 million users worldwide. It has been accused of allegedly spreading ā€œLGBTQ propagandaā€ by the Russian government media watchdog agency. (Screenshot)

The Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media agency, abbreviated as Roskomnadzor, has launched an investigation into the language learning app Duolingo for allegedly spreading ā€œLGBTQ propaganda.ā€

The popular learning app teaches more than 40 languages to more than 60 million users worldwide.

Russian media news outletĀ Novaya GazetaĀ reported that a complaint, filed by a group Radetel, based in Novosibirsk in central Russia, and claims on its social media and website that it is on a mission to protect ā€œpublic morality, culture and traditional values,ā€ accused the learning app of violations of Article 5 the Russian ā€œon the protection of children from information harmful to their health and developmentā€ law which specifies the promotion of ā€œnon-traditional sexual relations as detrimental to childrenā€™s health and development.ā€

Russian state media outlet TASS reported that Roskomnadzor confirmed that the agancy would be investigating Duolingo for potential ā€œdistribution of information that promotes LGBTQ.ā€

For its part as defined on its website, Duolingo states: ā€œDuolingo believes deeply in diversity and representation. This made it a no-brainer to include all types of characters of different ages, ethnic backgrounds and sexual orientations.ā€

The appā€™s statement goes on reading: 

ā€œThe second reason is our learners. Something really unique about Duolingo is the extremely vast and diverse audience for our content: Language learners of all ages, from all around the world. Yes, thatā€™s aĀ lotĀ of people. And with such a broad base of learners, we have a responsibility to reflect and relate to the experiences of all kinds of people, LGBTQIA+ folks included.

Of course, characters are also much more compelling when theyā€™re relatable, not only because of their dreams and their flaws but also who they love. So when we create Stories, which are written first in English and then adapted to other languages, we aim to make our content entertaining and relatable for learners worldwide. This is a fun and oftentimes difficult challenge. Weā€™re proud to have our characters, especially our LGBTQ characters, help us do that.ā€

Radetel, which referred to members of the LGBTQ community as ā€œsodomitesā€ in its complaint to Roskomnadzor, said that ā€œoutragedā€ parents had brought Duolingoā€™s LGBTQ ā€œpropagandaā€ to its attention, adding that they had said they didnā€™t know how to explain the sentences to their primary school-age children ā€œwithout traumatizing them,ā€ Novaya Gazeta reported.

An annual meeting of judges of the Russian Supreme Court and all courts of general and arbitration jurisdiction, the leadership of the Supreme Court’s Judicial Department and representatives of federal authorities in February 2023. (Photo courtesy of the Russian government)

(Human Rights Watch) ā€“Ā RussianĀ courts have issued the first known extremism convictions arising from the 2023 Supreme Court ruling designating the ā€œinternational LGBT movementā€ as extremist, Human Rights Watch said on Feb. 14. The Supreme Court ruling, which was handed down on Nov. 30 but became public only in mid-January 2024, indicates that many more convictions may follow.Ā 

The Supreme Court ruling also declared the rainbow flag a forbidden symbol of the ā€œLGBT movement.ā€ Displaying the flag is the basis for administrative penalties in at least three cases that courts have tried in recent weeks. In late January, a court in Nizhny NovgorodĀ sentencedĀ a woman to five days detention for wearing rainbow-colored earrings after an individual accostedĀ her and her friend in a cafe. Also in late January, a judge in Volgograd regionĀ handed down a fineĀ over a rainbow flag published on a social media page. In early February, a court in SaratovĀ finedĀ a woman for posting a rainbow flag on social media.

ā€œThe Supreme Court decision opened the floodgates to allow arbitrary prosecution of lesbian,Ā gay, bisexual, transgenderĀ and queer people, along with anyone who defends their rights or expresses solidarity with them,ā€ saidĀ Tanya Lokshina, associate Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch. ā€œFor years, Russian authorities tried to erase LGBT visibility, and now they have criminalized it.ā€

At least three groups supporting LGBT rights have shut down their operations for fear of prosecution. Other consequences of the ruling have included a series of police raids of gay clubs, incidents of self-censorship, and an uptick in requests for legal advice from remaining LGBT support groups, which have now turned to working clandestinely.Ā 

The Supreme Court ruling and prosecutions flowing from it are discriminatory, violate a wide range of rights, and should be overturned, Human Rights Watch said.

Under Russian criminal law,Ā a person found guilty ofĀ displaying extremist group symbolsĀ faces up to 15 days in detention for the first offense and up to four years in prisonĀ for a repeat offense.Ā Participating inĀ orĀ financingĀ an extremist organization is punishable by up to 12 years in prison. The authorities may include individuals suspected of involvement with an extremist organization in the countrywide ā€œlist of extremistsā€ and freeze their bank accounts. People deemed to be involved with an extremist organization are barred from running for public office. Draft legislation further expanding the notion of ā€œjustifying extremismā€ has passed first reading in Russiaā€™s Parliament.

The Supreme Courtā€™s perverse decision to accept the ā€œinternational public LGBT movementā€ as a fictional defendant in this case was compounded by theirĀ denialĀ of all requests by LGBT activists to participate, followed byĀ the claimĀ that ā€œthe defendant party failed to appear.ā€ The court also refusedĀ to consider numerous appealsĀ lodged by LGBT rights activists, saying that only the parties to the case had the right to appeal the ruling. By using the twisted legal fiction that there was an identifiable defendant called the ā€œinternational LGBT movementā€ to contest the case, the Supreme Court denied all Russian LGBT persons and their allies directly impacted by the decision any due process rights, including byĀ refusing to discloseĀ the text of the judgment or reasons for the decision.Ā 

The text of the ruling, which was later seen by a regional media outlet in the course of a court case andĀ publishedĀ in January, states that the rainbow flag is the movementā€™s symbol. Because Russian law enforcement practice treats even old social media posts that are still available online as grounds for prosecution, thousands of people, and most likely more,who have posted the rainbow flag over the years face the risk of prosecution. The ruling states that 281 ā€œactive participantsā€ in the movement have been personally identified, but it does not clarify how or by whom.

The Supreme Court ruling is the most recent example of authoritiesā€™ long record of misusing Russiaā€™s broad and vague anti-extremism legislation to prosecute peaceful critics and members of certain religious groups, Human Rights Watch said. Hundreds of people have been wrongfully prosecuted under criminal extremism legislation, according to theĀ SOVA Research CenterĀ andĀ theĀ list of political prisonersĀ released by prominent human rights group Memorial.Ā 

Since a courtĀ bannedĀ three organizations affiliated with political opposition leader Aleksey Navalny as ā€œextremistā€ in 2021, Navalny and five of his supporters have been sentenced to prison on a range of extremism charges for legitimate activism, while dozens more have receivedĀ fines and short-term jail sentences. Six members of Vesna, a democratic youth movement, have been inĀ pretrial custodyĀ since June 2023 on various spurious charges, including extremism. Hundreds of Jehovahā€™s Witnesses have been jailed since the organizationĀ was banned as ā€œextremistā€Ā in 2017.

Editorā€™s Note: On Feb. 16, it was announced that opposition leader Aleksey Navalny had died in a Russian Penal Camp. 

The Russian Federal Prison Service said early Feb. 16 that Navalny felt unwell after a walk and lost consciousness. An ambulance arrived, and its crew tried to rehabilitate him but was unsuccessful, it added.

Navalny was serving a 19-year sentence on charges of extremism, and in December was moved from a different prison to the highest-security level facility in the country near the Arctic Circle. The ā€œspecial regimeā€ penal colony prison in the town of Kharp, which is about 1,200 miles northeast of Moscow, is in a remote area known for its severe winters.

Navalny has been imprisoned since January 2021, when he returned to Russia after recovering from a poisoning that he blamed on Putin, who has denied trying to kill Navalny with a nerve agent.

The Supreme Court ruling has drawn strong criticism internationally. The U.N. High Commissioner for Human RightsĀ deploredĀ the ruling, stating that ā€œthe law must never be used to perpetuate inequality and discrimination,ā€ and saying that Russia should repeal laws that discriminate against LGBTQ people.

Five U.N. human rights expertsĀ reminded Russian authoritiesĀ that under international human rights law, peaceful advocacy andĀ expression of sexual orientation and gender identityĀ can neither be considered ā€œextremistā€ nor legitimate grounds for administrative and criminal prosecution.

ā€œThe ruling has no basis in reality; it is filled with conspiracy theories, false and unsubstantiated claims, and hateful stereotypes; and it seeks to impose ā€˜traditional valuesā€™ ideology through repressive criminal law,ā€ Lokshina said. ā€œThe only way to remedy this travesty of justice is to vacate the recent convictions and reverse the absurd ā€˜extremismā€™ designation.ā€


Wojciech Szelag (TVP screenshot)

BY ROB SALERNO ā€” A newscaster on Polandā€™s public television service delivered an apology for his and the networkā€™s previous vicious and dehumanizing coverage of LGBTQ people and issues, after Polandā€™s new government replaced the far-right editorial board of the broadcaster.

News host Wojciech Szelag acknowledged that TVP had frequently demonized LGBTQ people and delivered his apology ahead of a segment in which he interviewed two queer activists.

ā€œFor many years in Poland, shameful words have been directed at numerous individuals simply because they chose to determine for themselves who they are and whom they love,ā€ Szelag said. ā€œLGBT+ people are not an ideology, but people, specific names, faces, relatives, and friends. All these people should hear the word sorry from this place today. This is where I apologize.ā€

Polandā€™s new center-left government took office in December, ending eight years of government by the extremely right-wing Law and Justice Party that strongly opposed LGBTQ rights. The new government under Prime Minister Donald Tusk has moved to reshape institutions that the previous government had filled with party cronies, which caused controversy when the government fired the TVP management. TVP had long been accused of having become a mouthpiece for the Law and Justice Party.

Some liberals accused the government of repeating the mistakes of the right, but the government insists it is simply trying to restore editorial balance.

Bart Staszewski, one of the LGBTQ activists that was interviewed on the program said the apology was evidence that Poland is moving in the right direction.

ā€œToday, first time in Polish TV, after eight years of right-wing government, the LGBT+ activists appeared in live broadcast. I was seating there and heard journalist shaking voice. He made an apology after years of portraying LGBT-people  a threat to Polish nation in the same studio. I was moved. Apology an important part of reconciliation. This is Poland I want to fight forā€¦ Thank you,ā€ Staszewski wrote on X.

Straszewski later posted an image of an old broadcast in which Szelag said ā€œLGBT ideology destroys family,ā€ as evidence of how far the network had come.

Tusk has made several promises to the LGBTQ community as part of his election platform and coalition government agreement. Heā€™s promised to institute a hate speech law, legalize same-sex civil unions and legalize abortion ā€” all issues that were strongly rejected by the previous government. 

Itā€™s not clear at present when or if these proposals will become law, as the Law and Justice Party still holds the presidency with its veto power, at least until elections expected next May.


19-year-old Summer Betts-Ramsey appeared before a magistrate at Willesden Magistrates Court on Feb. 13, charged with attempted murder and possession of an deadly weapon in public after she allegedly stabbed an 18-year-old transgender woman at who was with friends headed to the Harrow Leisure Center for a roller-skating party.

Metropolitan Police Detective Inspector Nicola Hannant, who is leading the investigation, said:

ā€œThis was a shocking and violent attack and we continue to support the victim and her family as she recovers from her injuries. At this stage, we are treating this as a transphobic hate crime and we know this will cause significant concern.

Since the incident occurred, we have been working tirelessly to identify those responsible and are making good progress with our investigation.

We have already arrested four people however we continue to appeal for anyone who may have been in the area or who believes they have further information to come forward and speak to us. We have increased police patrols and would encourage people to approach these officers with any information or concerns.ā€

According to Hannant, the victim was subjected to transphobic slurs before being stabbed 14 times. She was rushed to hospital for treatment and subsequently discharged.

The attack comes just over a year after a pair of 15-year-olds stabbed trans teen Brianna Ghey, 16, to death in a park near her home in Birchwood. The teens, Scarlett Jenkinson and Eddie Ratcliffe, now 16, were both handed life sentencesĀ earlier this month.

The Metropolitan Police have dedicated LGBTQ points of contact across London who can offer advice and support. Their contact details can be found here: (Link)


The transgender blogger and make-up artist known as ‘Simsim,’ shown in this interview with Iraqi media outlet Al Walaa in 2020, spoke candidly about the threats he faced regularly because of his appearance. (YouTube screenshot)

An unnamed security official with the Al-Qadisiyah Governorate, told Iraqi media outlet Shafaq NewsĀ that a trans blogger was killed after being repeatedly stabbed in the center of the city of Al Diwaniyah, the capital city of the governorate that is located roughly 100 miles southeast of the countryā€™s capital city of Baghdad.

The police official told Shafaq News: ā€œSimsim, 28-years-old was killed by unknown assailants with several sharp knife stabs near the mural roundabout in the center of Diwaniyah city.ā€ The official went on to note ā€œthe killers escaped to an unidentified location and the forensic team took the body to complete the legal formalities.ā€

Iraq has witnessed a series of assassinations of trans people, Shafaq News noted. One of the most prominent cases was the murder of NOOR BM, a popular TikTok figure who was shot dead by an unknown gunman in Baghdad in September 2023.

Last August, Iraqā€™s Communications and Media Commission has ordered media outlets and social media companies that operate in the country to refer to homosexuality as ā€œsexual deviance.ā€

Homosexuality is legal in Iraq, but violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity remains commonplace in the country.


(Photo courtesy of Tacaquito Taqui Usui)

In a landmark ruling last week, the Okayama Family Courtā€™s Tsuyama Branch recognized a trans manā€™s petition to legally change his gender without having first undergone sterilization.

Japanese media outlet The Mainichi reported that the plaintiff, 50-year-old Tacaquito Usui, a farmer from a rural area of the prefecture of Okayama, legally change his gender without having first undergoing sterilization, after the Supreme Courtā€™s presiding judge, Yukihiko Imasaki, ruled the requirement unconstitutional this past October.

But while the Supreme Court did issue a ruling on sterilization surgery, the high court is re-evaluating the requirement that a personā€™s genitals must conform in appearance with those of the gender they identify with.

The Okayama court judged that the man fulfilled the appearance criterion, the same conclusion it reached in his first petition, due to factors including his having undergone hormone therapy.

The Mainichi reported Usui, operates a farm in the village of Shinjo, where he lives with his 46-year-old partner and her son, aged 13. With Usuiā€™s gender now legally recognized, the pair will be able to fulfill their long-held wish to marry.

ā€œI want to thank my family. I feel a new life is beginning,ā€ Usui said in a press conference after the decision.

Usui was assigned as female at birth and has said that he felt uncomfortable being treated as such from a young age. After becoming an adult, he was diagnosed with gender identity disorder. Usui told reporters the latest outcome ā€œleft me feeling society has changedā€ and that he is ā€œmoved by the progress that has been made.ā€

Additional reporting by Rob Salerno, the BBC, PinkNewsUK, Human Rights Watch, Novaya Gazeta, Agence France-Presse, The Mainichi, Shafaq News and Euronews 24.



Out in the World: LGBTQ news from Europe and Asia

Latviaā€™s civil unions law took effect Monday



(Los Angeles Blade graphic)

Latviaā€™s law allowing same-sex couples to form civil unions came into effect Monday, and the first queer couples have already registered their unions in the Baltic nation.

Maksims Ringo and Janis Locs were the first same-sex couple to register their civil union. They did so in a ceremony at a legal office in the capital, Riga, where they exchanged silver rings, stating that they were saving gold rings for a date when Latvia legalizes same-sex marriage.

“I feel excited, kind of emotional about it as well because it is a really big step and not only for us, for the country itself. And being first, it’s all the publicity that comes with it as well. It kind of is a bit, I would say, a bit stressful, but at the same time I feel happy that we can finally do it,ā€ Locs told Reuters.

Latvia amended its constitution to ban same-sex marriage in 2005, but in 2020, the Constitutional Court ruled that the state must give same-sex couples the same benefits that straight married couples have. In 2022, a deadline imposed by the court lapsed, and couples began applying to the courts to have their relationships recognized. 

Last year, the Latvian parliament finally passed a law formalizing same-sex civil unions, but the compromise legislation has frustrated some LGBTQ activists in the country as it leaves out key rights demanded by same-sex couples. Latviaā€™s civil unions do not allow couples to adopt children, nor do they get key inheritance rights, theyā€™re concluded at a notary office instead of at the civil registry, and the government still will not recognize foreign same-sex marriages. 

The bill was also bitterly opposed by conservative, anti-LGBTQ groups. They attempted to force a referendum to block the bill but were unable to come up with the required signatures before the legal deadline.

With legal civil unions in Latvia, all but five EU countries recognize some form of same-sex union: Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania. 

In neighboring Lithuania, a civil union bill awaits a final vote in parliament but has stalled amid infighting between liberal and conservative factions of the coalition government. This week, the liberal faction threatened to block the appointment of a European commissioner unless the conservatives agreed to pass the bill.

In Poland, the governing coalition appears to have finally agreed to pass a civil union bill, albeit one that has been watered down significantly. The resulting bill will not allow any adoption rights, nor a common surname, and will be concluded by notaries and without a ceremony rather than civil registries. The government hopes to bring the bill forward this month.

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that all member states must provide some form of civil union to same-sex couples to be in compliance with the nondiscrimination and family rights guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights. 

The French National Assembly (Public domain photo)

Voters gave a big boost to the far-right National Rally party in Sundayā€™s first-round parliamentary elections, with the Rally taking 33 percent of the vote, while the left-wing New Popular Front took 28 percent, and President Emmanuel Macronā€™s centrist Together bloc took 21 percent.

Parties are now jockeying for voter support in the second round, and NPF and Together have begun discussions at mutual endorsements to block the National Rally.

In Franceā€™s system, if no candidate in a given district wins 50 percent of the vote, the top two vote-getters, and any candidate who gets at least 12.5 percent of registered voters advances to the second round, which is decided by plurality vote. Because of higher-than-usual turnout of 67 percent, there are a large number of three-way races in the second round ā€” over 300 according to official results, when the previous record was 76. 

The left-wing NPF has announced it will withdraw any candidates who advanced and placed third on the ballot, in order to create a “republican front” against the National Rally. While Macron has not made a formal statement on withdrawing third-place candidates, his prime minister, Gabriel Attal, has called on third-place candidates to step aside.

The National Rally has a long history of campaigning against LGBTQ rights but has not made that central to its program in this election, where it has focused on pocketbook issues and rejection of immigration. The National Rally has long opposed same-sex marriage, and its current leader has campaigned and voted against allowing lesbians to access IVF and supports a bill to ban gender care for minors.

Several reports have emerged of National Rally supporters committing homophobic attacks in France. 

A group of National Rally supporters allegedly attacked a gay teenager in Paris after the results of last monthā€™s European Parliament elections were announced and National Rally was shown to win the largest number of sets. They were reported to have shouted ā€œYouā€™ll see when Bardella is in power and Hitler comes back!ā€ and ā€œIn three weeks, we will be able to smash up f*gs as much as we like. I canā€™t wait.ā€ The attackers were arrested.

A package of extreme anti-LGBTQ bills sailed through first reading in the Georgian parliament on a 78-0 vote that was boycotted by most of the countryā€™s opposition parties.

Georgia has been rocked by protests since the governing Georgian Dream party introduced a passed a ā€œforeign agentsā€ law, which requires any organization that receives funding from out of the country to register with the government as a foreign agent. The law was inspired by a similar law in Russia and was designed to undermine opposition groups, media, and nongovernmental organizations that are often critical of the government.

The anti-LGBTQ bills are an extreme package of legislation that was also inspired by Russia. The bills ban recognition of any same-sex relationships, forbid recognition of gender other than birth sex, forbid any medical treatment for gender change, and criminalize any advocacy for LGBTQ rights. The government says it hopes to pass the legislation by the fall ahead of national elections in October.

The bills are also designed to undermine the opposition, by forcing them to defend LGBTQ rights, which remain deeply controversial in the conservative Christian country. Opposition leaders have also made it clear that their boycott of the bill does not mean they support LGBTQ rights.

Both the anti-LGBTQ bills and the foreign agents bill have put the country on a collision course with the EU, which it has expressed a desire to join, and which granted it candidate status last year. 

EU accession is very popular among the Georgian public, but the Georgian Dream party is more closely aligned with Russia, and frequently demonizes the EU by equating its values with LGBTQ rights.

Last week, EU candidates Moldova and Ukraine opened formal negotiations to join the bloc, although it is expected that it will be many years before membership is granted.

Indian flag (Photo by Rahul Sapra via Bigstock)

The high court of Indiaā€™s Kerala state upheld the right of LGBTQ people to live autonomously, as it rejected a petition from the parents of a 23-year-old who sought to have their daughter committed to a mental institution to ā€œtreat her sexual orientation.ā€

The young woman had fled her family and was living with her partner, a transgender man. Her family members repeatedly attempted to violently abduct her from her new home.

The court ruled that the woman has a right to live her life on her own terms and that sexual orientation is an innate part of a personā€™s identity.

The court also directed the parents to hand over all of their daughterā€™s personal documents, which they had been withholding, in an attempt to force her to return to them, and the court warned the family against committing violence against her.

Same-sex relationships are not illegal in India, although last year the Indian Supreme Court ruled that the government does not have to recognize same-sex marriage, leaving that question to parliament.

Ten same-sex couples from Hong Kong were legally married in the U.S. over the internet this week, in a mass ceremony to celebrate Pride week.

The 10 couples took advantage of a program available through the state of Utah, which allows people to get married via an internet ceremony. 

Utah has become a go-to destination for same-sex couples seeking to get married even though they live in countries that donā€™t recognize same-sex marriage. Utah allows couples to get married even if theyā€™re not physically present in the state, while most states require couples to at least be present, if not resident in the state.

Hong Kong does not currently allow same-sex marriage, although last year its Court of Final Appeal ruled that the local government should offer some form of relationship recognition to same-sex couples within two years. That deadline comes up next September.

“In Hong Kong, thereā€™s not yet a way to go to a marriage registry to get married, but thereā€™s still this way we can offer for them to realize their dreams of getting married,ā€ wedding organizer Kurt Tung told the Associated Press.

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Toronto Pride parade cancelled after pro-Palestinian protesters disrupt it

Protest took place more than three hours after it began



The 2024 Toronto Pride parade on June 30, 2024. (Screen capture via Johnny Strides/YouTube)

Toronto Pride parade organizers on Sunday cancelled the annual event after a group of pro-Palestinian protesters disrupted it.

Media reports indicate more than two dozen protesters blocked the parade near the intersection of Yonge and Wellesley Streets, and chanted “from the river to the sea” and “Pride was a riot.”

The Toronto StarĀ reportedĀ the protesters disrupted the parade at around 5:30 p.m., more than three hours after it began. Toronto Pride around 45 minutes later announced the parade’s cancellation.

“Today, we made the decision to cancel the remainder of the Pride Parade out of our commitment to ensuring public safety,” they said in a statement. “While we deeply respect and uphold everyone’s right to peacefully protest, our foremost priority is the well-being of all participants and spectators.”

“We recognize the Pride parade as a highly anticipated event that many organizations and individuals eagerly prepare for,” it added. “We empathize with those who were looking forward to participating and regret any inconvenience caused by this decision.”

The Coalition Against Pinkwashing organized the protest.

Protesters disrupt NYC Pride parade

This yearā€™s Pride Month took place eight months after Hamas launched its surprise attack against southern Israel.

The Israeli government says Hamas militants killed roughly 1,200 people on Oct. 7, 2023, including at least 260 partygoers and others at the Nova Music Festival. The Israeli government says upwards of 80 people who were taken hostage on Oct. 7 remain alive in the Gaza Strip.

The Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry says more than 35,000 people have died in the enclave since the war began. The National LGBTQ Task Force and Outright International are among the groups that have called for a ceasefire.

The New York Daily News reported the New York Police Department on Sunday arrested 10 pro-Palestinian protesters who disrupted the city’s annual Pride parade near the Stonewall Inn. The newspaper said those who the NYPD took into custody, among other things, threw red paint onto a pickup truck inside police barricades.

The Telegraph on SaturdayĀ reportedĀ London police arrested more than 30 pro-Palestinian activists to prevent them from disrupting the city’s annual Pride parade that took place on the same day.

A Wider Bridge, a group that “advocates for justice, counters LGBTQphobia, and fights antisemitism and other forms of hatred,ā€ last month called upon Pride organizers to ensure Jewish can safely participate in their events.

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Lesbian South African MP named to country’s new Cabinet

Steve Letsike won a seat in the National Assembly on May 29



Steve Letsike (Photo courtesy of Steve Letsike)

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa on Sunday appointed lesbian MP Steve Letsike to his Cabinet.

Letsike, founder of Access Chapter 2, a South African advocacy group who is a member of the African National Congress that Ramaphosa leads, will be the country’s deputy minister of women, youth, and people with disabilities.

Letsike won a seat in the South African National Assembly in national and provincial elections that took place on May 29.

The ANC lost its parliamentary majority that it had had since Nelson Mandela in 1994 won the South African presidency in the countryā€™s first post-apartheid elections. Ramaphosa on Sunday announced Letsike and other new Cabinet members after the ANC and nine other parties agreed to form a National Unity Government.

The Washington Blade has reached out to Letsike for comment.

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