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Población LGBTQ de El Salvador denuncia impunidad ante crímenes por odio

Anahy Rivas, una mujer trans, fue asesinada en San Salvador el 27 de octubre



Activistas LGBTQ salvadoreñas se manifiestan en contra de crímenes de odio en San Salvador, El Salvador, el 31 de octubre de 2019. (Foto cortesía de Aspidh Arcoíris Trans)

SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — La Federación Salvadoreña de Personas Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales, Trans e Intersexuales (FESLGBTI), que aglutina a 12 organizaciones LGBTQ del país, realizó el día jueves 31 de octubre del presente año, una conferencia de prensa para dar a conocer su posicionamiento ante la impunidad por los crímenes por odio que han acontecido en los últimos meses.

Entre los casos que se mencionaron están el de Jorge Castillo, el 11 de enero de 2019 que fue asesinado con once disparos en el rostro en el departamento de San Miguel; Camila Díaz, mujer trans privada de libertad por agentes de la policía, recibió múltiples golpes y luego falleció el 31 de enero de 2019; además el caso de “Lolita” asesinada a machetazos en Sonsonate el 8 de febrero de 2019; sin olvidar el caso de “Tity” mujer trans que fue asesinada a golpes en avenida Cuscatlán el 10 de marzo de 2019 y por supuesto el reciente caso de Anahy Rivas que sujetos en una camioneta le sujetaron y le arrastraron sobre el bulevar Los Héroes y luego lesionaron con arma blanca el pasado 27 de octubre del presente.

Desde que se reformó el código penal en el año 2015 en sus artículos 129 y 155, que tipifica los crímenes por odio si se basan en la orientación sexual, identidad y expresión de género; no se han condenado a culpables por los asesinatos de personas LGBTQ, aunque los hechos sean suficiente evidencia que dichos crímenes fueron motivados por el odio y prejuicio hacía las víctimas.

“El sistema de justicia no tiene contabilizados los crímenes de la población LGBTI, porque solo contabilizan por sexo biológicamente asignado, ya sea hombre o mujer”, comenta en conferencia Mónica Linares, directora ejecutiva de Aspidh Arcoíris Trans. Agregaron que en los últimos tres años (2017, 2018 y 2019), han documentado al menos 20 asesinatos a mujeres trans entre los 16 y 32 años de edad, y estos son los casos de los que se dan cuentan las organizaciones y esto solo afirma el hecho que el promedio de vida de una mujer trans en El Salvador no sobre pasa los 33 años.

“En la fiscalía dicen que hay apertura para realizar protocolos para el trato a casos de personas LGBTI. Dicen tener interés de tocas el tema, pero al momento de ejecutar su trabajo, esto no ocurre, por lo cual hay un doble discurso”, asegura Linares.

Debido a estas situaciones y a la gravedad de los hechos que expusieron en la conferencia de prensa, la FESLGBTI exige a la Fiscalía General de la República (FGR) y a la Policía Nacional Civil (PNC), además de las demás entidades que conforman al sector justicia del país, que investiguen los asesinatos a personas LGBTQ, aplicando la reforma al código penal referida a crímenes por odio y buscar así la condena a los culpables.

En especial exigieron a la FGR la pronta aprobación y divulgación con el personal de la fiscalía de una “política de persecución penal y su respectivo protocolo de investigación, de delitos cometidos en contra de la población LGBTI”; pues consideran que es algo impostergable la puesta en marcha de acciones institucionales encaminadas a terminar con la impunidad en los casos de crímenes fundados en el odio y prejuicio en contra de la población LGBTQ.

“Estamos a cuatro días de la evaluación de El Salvador en el examen periódico universal. La CIDH hizo recomendaciones al Estado salvadoreño y ofreció ayuda a través de la Dirección de Diversidad Sexual, la cual está extinta por la nueva administración”, comentaba Bianca Rodríguez, directora ejecutiva de la organización COMCAVIS TRANS.

“Hacemos el llamado a los tres órganos del Estado, responder a estos crímenes por odio, ya no queremos más impunidad, queremos justicias”, agrega Rodríguez.

La FESLGBTI reitera que no permitirán que los crímenes contra la población LGBTQ queden en el anonimato y en silencio por más tiempo; además que no permitirán más vulneración al derecho a la salud, educación, seguridad, trabajo y a la vida digna libre de estigmas y discriminación.

Plantón frente a Fiscalía General de la República.

Un día antes de la conferencia de prensa, diferentes organizaciones como Fundación Somos Familia y Aspidh Arcoíris Trans, se reunieron frente a la FGR para pedir justicia en los crímenes contra la población LGBTQ.

Portando carteles con diferentes consignas, las diferentes personas asistentes mostraron su descontento por la falta de acción de dicha entidad, en el esclarecimiento de los diferentes casos que existen. Linares dio lectura a un comunicado en el que las organizaciones presentes, exigían a la FGR el esclarecimiento de los casos de crímenes por odio.

“Hay una terrible impunidad ante los crímenes LGBTI. Está el caso de Camila Díaz, que al parecer la madre está recibiendo llamadas de familiares de los tres policía detenidos, tratando de intimidarla, tratando de negociar con ella para que los hombres salgan”, comentó al Washington Blade Linares; “había un testigo criteriado que es una mujer policía quien en la primera audiencia reconoció a los tres policías capturados y ahora en la siguiente audiencia solo reconoció a uno que era quien conducía la patrulla y no a los dos que le iban golpeando atrás”.

Linares externó que al parecer ya existe alteración en el único caso que un juez ha dictaminado como crimen por odio, lo cual le hace dudar el resultado del mismo. Al finalizar la protesta fuera las instalaciones de la FGR en avenida la Sultana, Antiguo Cuscatlán, un grupo encabezado por Linares, entregaron en recepción el comunicado al que se le dio lectura, saliendo de las instalaciones con la decisión de seguir la lucha por que se haga justicia por las compañeras y compañeros que han fallecido hasta la fecha.



House Republicans propose steep cuts in federal AIDS budget

Advocacy groups say move would eliminate ‘Ending HIV Epidemic’ initiative



The Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative was launched during the administration of President Donald Trump.

The Republican-controlled U.S. House Subcommittee on Labor, Health, and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies approved a spending bill on June 26 that calls for cutting at least $419 million from federal AIDS programs that AIDS activists say would have a devastating impact on efforts to greatly reduce the number of new HIV infections by 2030.

The subcommittee’s proposed bill, which includes billions of dollars in cuts in a wide range of other federal health, education, and human services related programs, is scheduled to be considered by the full House Appropriations Committee on July 10. Officials with AIDS advocacy groups say they are hopeful that the full committee, like last year, will refuse to approve the proposed cuts in the AIDS budget.

The proposed GOP cuts would eliminate $214 million from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s HIV prevention programs, $190 million from the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, and $15 million from the Department of Health and Human Services Secretary’s Minority HIV/AIDS Program.

Activists say the impact of those cuts would kill the federal government’s Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative, which among other things, calls for reducing the number of new HIV infections in the U.S. by 75 percent by 2025 and by 90 percent by 2030. The activists point out that ironically the Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative was launched during the administration of President Donald Trump.

 “Instead of providing new investments in ending HIV by increasing funding for testing, prevention programs, such as PrEP, and life-saving care and treatment, House Republicans are again choosing to go through a worthless exercise of cutting programs that the American people depend on and will never pass,” said Carl Schmid, executive director of the HIV + Hepatitis Policy Institute.

“While we vigorously fight these cuts, we look forward to working with the entire Congress in a bipartisan fashion on spending bills that can actually become law,” Schmid said in a statement.

 Schmid noted that the bill also includes provisions known as “policy riders” that would take away rights and protections from women, such as access to birth control and abortion, and for minorities, including LGBTQ people.

According to a statement released by the office of Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), who is the ranking minority member of the House Appropriations Committee, one of the policy riders would “block the Biden administration’s policies to ensure nondiscrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation.’  The statement says another policy rider would “prevent policies or programs intended to promote diversity, equality, or inclusion.”

Most political observers believe the Democratic-controlled U.S. Senate would also kill the GOP proposed policy riders and cuts in the AIDS budget if the full Republican-controlled House were to approve the budget bill passed by the appropriations subcommittee.

Rep, Tom Cole (R-Okla.), who serves as chair of the full House Appropriations Committee, released a statement on June 27 defending the  subcommittee’s bill and its proposed spending cuts. “The bill provides appropriate and fiscally responsible funding to ensure these departments can continue to perform their core missions while also acknowledging the fiscal realities facing our nation,” he said.

“Importantly, the bill pushes back on the Biden administration’s out-of-touch progressive policy agenda, preventing this White House from finalizing or implementing controversial rules or executive orders,” Cole said in his statement. “It also preserves long standing bipartisan policy provisions protecting the right to life.”

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Man went on ‘homophobic rant’ inside Va. pub that displayed Pride flags

Suspect arrested on charges of public intoxication, assaulting police officer



Justin Wayne Hendricks was arrested in the case. (Photo courtesy of the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center)

The Hawk & Griffin British Pub located in Vienna, Va.,  posted a message on Facebook last week saying a man was arrested after going on a “homophobic rant” inside the pub on June 28 when he saw that LGBTQ Pride flags were displayed at the pub for Pride month.

“Last night we had an incident here at the pub when a man came off the street to accost patrons in our beer garden because of our flags displayed for pride month,” the Hawk & Griffin Facebook posting says. “He then spit on our windows and came inside to confront our staff and patrons with homophobic rants,” the posting continues.

“Our manager and staff handled the situation very professionally and police were called to investigate and later arrested a man a couple of blocks away,” the message says. “We want to thank the Vienna Police Department for their quick response. We are and will continue to be community focused and we will never stop working to create and maintain a place of inclusion and tolerance,” the statement concludes.

Vienna police charged Justin Wayne Hendricks, of no known address, with misdemeanor counts of being “drunk in public” and  providing false identification to a police officer and with a felony count of assault on a police officer. A police spokesperson said Hendricks was also found to be in violation of an outstanding arrest warrant from Alexandria, Va., related to a prior charge of failing to register as a sex offender.

The spokesperson, Juan Vazquez, said Hendricks is currently being held without bond at the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center. Online records for the Fairfax County General District Court show that Hendricks is scheduled to appear at a preliminary hearing on Oct. 9.

“On Friday, June 28, around 9:28 p.m. the Vienna Police Department responded to reports of an intoxicated individual threatening customers of the Hawk & Griffin,” a Vienna police statement says. “Upon the arrival of the officers the individual had already left the premises but was promptly located at an address nearby,” according to the statement.

The statement adds that Hendricks was subsequently charged with being drunk in public, providing false information about his identity to police, and assault on a police officer along with being served with the outstanding warrant related to the prior charge in Alexandria of failing to register as a sex offender.

Details of the prior sex offender charge couldn’t immediately be obtained from online court records. However, the online records show that Hendricks has at least a dozen or more prior arrests between 2014 and 2023 on charges including public intoxication, trespassing, and failing to register as a sex offender.

Police spokesperson Vazquez said it would be up to prosecutors with the office of the Fairfax County Commonwealth’s Attorney to determine if a subsequent hate crime related charge would be filed in the case.

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HRC slams White House over position opposing gender affirming surgeries for minors

‘Biden administration is flat wrong on this’



Human Rights Campaign President Kelley Robinson (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key)

Human Rights Campaign President Kelley Robinson issued a strong rebuke on Tuesday of the Biden-Harris administration’s position opposing gender affirming surgeries for minors.

The New York Times reported on June 28 that the White House, which broadly supports making medical interventions available for transgender youth, had expressed opposition to surgeries for patients under 18, having previously declined to take a specific position on the question.

“Health care decisions for young people belong between a patient, their family, and their health care provider. Trans youth are no exception,” Robinson responded. 

“The Biden administration is flat wrong on this. It’s wrong on the science and wrong on the substance. It’s also inconsistent with other steps the administration has taken to support transgender youth. The Biden administration, and every elected official, need to leave these decisions to families, doctors and patients—where they belong,” she added. “Although transgender young people make up an extremely small percentage of youth in this country, the care they receive is based on decades of clinical research and is backed by every major medical association in the U.S. representing over 1.3 million doctors.”

Robinson said the “administration has committed to fight any ban on healthcare for transgender youth and must continue this without hesitation—the entire community is watching.” 

“No parent should ever be put in the position where they and their doctor agree on one course of action, supported by the overwhelming majority of medical experts, but the government forbids it,” she added.

HRC is a prominent backer of Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign, having pledged $15 million to support efforts in six battleground states. The organization has a strong relationship with the White House, with the president and first lady headlining last year’s National Dinner.

A White House spokesperson declined to respond to Robinson’s statement.

Campaign for Southern Equality President Allison Scott also issued a statement.

“This is a cowardly statement from an administration that promised to support transgender people. It is a troubling concession to the right-wing assault on transgender Americans, falling for their false narratives about surgical care and betraying a commitment to equality and trust in the medical community,” said Scott.

“Let’s be very, very clear: Government has no business inserting itself into private medical decisions that should be exclusively between patients, their providers, and the patients’ parent or guardian,” Scott added.

“It is dangerous to begin endorsing categorical bans or limits on healthcare, and there is no justification for restricting transgender youth’s access to the very same care that many cisgender youth receive every year — that’s literally the definition of discrimination,” Scott concluded. “We demand the Biden administration retract this thoughtless statement and work to undo its damage.” 

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