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Out in the World: LGBTQ news from Europe and Asia

Liechtenstein lawmakers approved a marriage equality bill on May 15



(Los Angeles Blade graphic)


A Pride flag and an EU flag fly near ILGA-Europeā€™s Brussels offices (Photo courtesy of ILGA-Europe)

ILGA-Europe released its annualĀ Rainbow Europe MapĀ module ranking countries across the continent on the status of LGBTQ rights, revealing that many countries are falling behind as political pressure from far-right politicians grows.

The report was released May 15, just a day after the EUā€™s Fundamental Rights Agency released its own report detailing aĀ shocking growth in violenceĀ experienced by LGBTQ people across member states over the past year.

ā€œAcross Europe, LGBTI people are being targeted by hate speech and violence and their human rights are being actively undermined, yet we still see too many countries across the region stalling in moving legal protection forward and not renewing their commitments through national strategies and action plans,ā€ says ILGA-Europe Advocacy Director Katrin Hugendubel.

ā€œThis non-action is dangerous, as without proper legislation in place to protect minorities, including LGBTI people, it will be much too easy for newly elected governments to quickly undermine human rights and democracy.ā€

Once again, Malta held the lead in the country rankings, as it has for the past nine years, scoring 88 percent across ILGA-Europeā€™s categories of equality and nondiscrimination law, family recognition, hate crime and hate speech laws, legal gender recognition, intersex bodily integrity, civil society space, and asylum policies.Ā 

Iceland jumped to second place with 83 percent after passing new laws banning conversion therapy and facilitating legal gender recognition. Belgium reached third place with 78 percent after banning conversion therapy.

At the other end of the spectrum, Russia (2 percent), Azerbaijan (2 percent), and Turkey (5 percent) hold the bottom rankings amid ongoing crackdowns on LGBTQ rights and expression in all three countries. Last year, Russia banned ā€œthe LGBT movementā€ as an ā€œextremist organization.ā€

Several countries jumped up the rankings in this yearā€™s report, including Greece and Estonia, which both legalized same-sex marriage. Liechtenstein collected points for extending adoption rights to same-sex couples, although it did not collect points for legalizing same-sex marriage, which happened the day after the report was released.

Germany, Bulgaria, Iceland, and Slovenia all collected points for passing legislation on hate crimes and hate speech, while Belgium, Cyprus, Iceland, Norway, and Portugal all collected points for banning conversion therapy. 

But the changes havenā€™t all been positive. Several countries tumbled down the rankings as progress stalled on LGBTQ rights. Montenegro, Finland, Spain, Sweden, and Slovenia all lost points because their governments failed to renew action plans to promote LGBTQ rights. The report also noted the looming threat of right-wing governments across Europe, including in Italy where the national government has restricted the recognition of same-sex parents, and in several countries which are eying restrictions on legal gender recognition and trans health care, including France, UK, Slovakia, and Croatia.Ā 

The UK once occupied the top spot on ILGA-Europeā€™s rankings, but hasĀ fallen to 15thĀ placeĀ as other countries press ahead on LGBTQ rights while the UKā€™s Conservative government has increasingly come under the sway of an anti-transgender moral panic.


Liechtenstein’s parliament in the capital city of Vaduz. (Photo courtesy of the Principality of Liechtenstein)

The Alpine microstate Liechtenstein saw its parliament give final approval to legalizing same-sex marriage in a near-unanimous vote on May 15.

By a vote of 24-1, parliament approved a series of bills that would amend marriage law to allow same-sex couples to marry in the country of about 30,000 people nestled between Switzerland and Austria. The only ā€œnoā€ vote came from an MP from the right-wing populist Democrats for Liechtenstein party.

The new law will come into effect on Jan 1, 2025, as long as it is not vetoed by the prince or challenged in a citizen-initiated referendum. The prince is not expected to veto the bill, as he has previously expressed support for same-sex marriage.Ā 

Under the new law, no new civil unions will be registered, although same-sex couples already in same-sex unions will be allowed to continue their unions. 

Liechtensteinā€™s parliament had already amended the law to allow same-sex couples to adopt last year, following an order from the Constitutional Court.Ā 

The tiny, conservative-leaning and mostly Catholic country has been slow to adopt LGBTQ rights. It lacks any legal protections from employment discrimination or anti-LGBTQ hate crimes.Ā 

ILGA-Europe ranked Liechtenstein 33rdĀ out of 48 states in Europe, with a score of 28 percent on its latest Rainbow Europe Map. This decision on marriage will likely see it rise somewhat in the rankings next year.

The Catholic Church has previously strongly rejected same-sex marriage. Last year, the countryā€™s archbishop, Wolfgang Haas had called same-sex marriage a ā€œdiabolical attack against the Creatorā€™s will to salvation,ā€ and cancelled a planned service for opening of Parliament in protest of the law. Haas has since retired.

The decision makes Liechtenstein the last German-speaking country to legalize same-sex marriage.

In a state posted to itsĀ Facebook group, the Liechtenstein LGBTQ advocacy group FLay thanked the lawmakers and other supporters who helped get same-sex marriage legalized in the country.Ā 

ā€œWe are looking forward to introducing marriage for all per 1 January 2025 and thank you to all who have fought for it,ā€ the statement said.

Liechtenstein is the 22ndĀ European country to introduce same-sex marriage, bringing the global total to 38 countries. A bill before the Thai Senate is expected to pass before the summer, which would make it the 39th.


Screenshot from DW Germanyā€™s live-stream YouTube coverage of massive protests in Tbilisi, Georgia, against actions taken by the countryā€™s parliament this past week.

The government of the former Soviet republic of Georgia says it is close to finalizing a new law against so-called LGBTQ propaganda inspired by similar laws passed in Russia and Belarus in recent years, in what critics say is an attempt to maintain power by stoking divisions on a culturally sensitive issue.

The Georgian capital of Tbilisi has been rocked by protests for weeks as the ruling Georgian Dream party reintroduced a controversial ā€œforeign agentsā€ bill inspired by a similar Russian law, which requires any organization that receives funding from out of the country to register with the government as ā€œorganizations serving the interests of a foreign power.ā€Ā 

Critics say the bill is intended to silence and discredit media and civil society that is critical of the government.

May 17 saw intense protests marked by anti-government and pro-European demonstrators marking the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia while anti-LGBTQ protesters, including Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze and church leaders took to the streets to mark the governmentā€™s competing ā€œFamily Purity Day,ā€Ā Reuters reported.

The party had first introduced the foreign agents bill last year, but withdrew it after months of protests and condemnation from EU countries. The government reintroduced the bill this spring, with some observers suggesting itā€™s an attempt to tip this Octoberā€™s national elections in their favor. For weeks, protesters have attempted to halt passage of the law, but parliament gave it final approval May 14. It was vetoed by President Salome Zurabishvili on Saturday, but the government has enough votes in parliament to override the veto.

The proposed anti-LGBTQ law would amend article 30 of the Georgian Constitution to include a host of regulations restricting LGBTQ rights. It would ban recognition of same-sex relationships, ban adoption by gay people or same-sex couples, ban medical interventions to facilitate gender change, restrict recognition of gender to that of biological sex, and ban advocacy for recognition of same-sex couples or trans people.

To pass, the bill would require at least a 3/4 vote of parliament (113 votes), or a 2/3 vote (100 votes) in each of two successive parliaments. The government currently controls 84 of the 150 seats in parliament, but likely believes it can pull enough votes from the opposition to pass the constitutional law.

Critics have noted that both laws put Georgiaā€™s application to join the EU in jeopardy as they clearly attack the fundamental rights at the heart of the union. But while the EU has been sharply critical of the foreign agents law, its criticism of the anti-LGBTQ law has been far more muted.Ā 

Local activists say that the EUā€™s silence has been strategic, as any criticism would play into the hands of Georgian Dream, who claim that LGBTQ rights are a ā€œpseudo-liberal ideologyā€ advanced by a decadent West.

The timing of the bill is likely meant to further divide the opposition as protests mount against the foreign agents law. Georgian Dream has been sliding in the polls since it was returned to power in 2020, but still commands a plurality of support compared to the highly fractured opposition according to most polls. 

Georgian Dream politicians have deep ties to Russia, and have increasingly sided with Russia in international and cultural disputes, including by refusing to impose sanction against Russia for the invasion of Ukraine. The support is ironic, considering that Russian forces invaded Georgia in 2008 and continues to support two unrecognized breakaway republics that resulted from that war.

On May 17, U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) of the House Foreign Affairs Committee announced that he plans toĀ introduce legislation to sanction Georgian leadersĀ over their assault on democracy and introduce incentives for the government to reverse course.

ILGA-Europe ranked Georgia 36thĀ out of 48 countries, with a score of just 25 percent on its most recent Rainbow Europe Map this week.


10 Downing St. is Prime Minister Rishi Sunakā€™s official residence and office (Photo courtesy of the U.K. government)

The Conservative government of the UK has directed schools in England to ban discussion of gender identity in schools and restrict sex education for children under age nine, in an update to statutory guidance issued to schools that is currently under review.

Although the guidance has not yet been released or put into effect, LGBTQ activists and government critics are already comparing the guidance to the notorious Thatcher-era Section 28, which banned discussion of homosexuality in all schools across the UK from 1988 until it was repealed in England and Wales in 2003 and in Scotland in 2000. 

The UK has long been in the grip of an anti-trans moral panic, fostered by segments of the ruling Conservative Party that are hostile to trans people and influential British celebrities likeĀ “Harry Potter”Ā creator JK Rowling who has long campaigned against trans peopleā€™s rights.

Last week, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak appeared on ITVā€™s daytime talk showĀ “Loose Women,” where he complained that ā€œgender ideologyā€ was infiltrating UK schools.Ā 

ā€œChildren were being exposed to lots of different things,ā€ Sunak said. ā€œYou know, weā€™ve got lots of people talking to kids, they were talking about [how] you can have 72 different gender identities.ā€

There is no evidence that children in UK schools are being taught that there are 72 different gender identities or are being taught to engage in inappropriate behavior.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who was recently reelected to a third term, blasted the governmentā€™s new policy as being harmful to the children the government claims to want to protect.

ā€œWeā€™ve just got to be a bit aware when we have these conversations that weā€™re conscious about the impact that this has on trans young people,ā€ he said.

ā€œMany of these people ā€” young people ā€” learn about these things through social media. You know, the proliferation of porn, and also the proliferation of misogynists like Andrew Tate. If weā€™re delaying proper, responsible teaching until later on, I worry about whoā€™s going to be rebutting some of the nonsense on social media.ā€

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan tried to mollify critics by claiming that the new policy will not restrict discussion of adults who have undergone gender reassignment. 

ā€œGender reassignmentā€ is listed as protected characteristic under the 2010 Equality Act, but the act does not list ā€œgender identityā€ or ā€œgender expressionā€ as protected characteristics. 

ā€œLet me be clear on gender ideology in schools,ā€ Keegan said on BBC Radio 4ā€™sĀ “Today.” ā€œThe thing that weā€™re trying to stop is not gender reassignment.Ā GenderĀ reassignment is something that is a protected characteristic ā€” that adults are allowed to reassign their gender, thereā€™s a process that they go through for that. That is a protected characteristic, and that can be taught.

Gender identity and ideology is something different, and this is part of probably similar campaign groups that have been building this set of materials and this ideology,ā€ she said.

Jo Morgan, the chief executive of Engendering Change, an organization that provides sex education workshops in schools, disputed the idea that schools are teaching children to be trans.

ā€œThey are concerned that schools are becoming breeding grounds for transgenderism. Thereā€™s no evidence to support that. What we are doing as educators is saying, this is in the news, in social media, itā€™s everywhere ā€” letā€™s unpack it together and look at what sources of information you are being exposed to, letā€™s talk about how this relates to the Equality Act,ā€ Morgan toldĀ the Guardian.

ILGA-Europe ranked the UK 15thĀ out of 48 countries with a score of just 52 percent on its most recent Rainbow Europe report, citing a lack of legal protections for trans people and outdated procedures for legal gender recognition.


Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen with Taiwanese drag queen Nymphia Wind, winner of season 16 of ā€œRuPaulā€™s Drag Race.ā€ (Screenshot/YouTube Livestream)

Outgoing Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen hostedĀ “RuPaulā€™s Drag Race” winner Nymphia Wind at a ceremony at her presidential office May 15, in a sign of the growing acceptance of LGBTQ people in the Asian island nation.

The Taiwanese-American performer Nymphia Wind was crowned the winner of season 16 ofĀ “RuPaulā€™s Drag Race”Ā in an episode that aired April 19, taking home the crown and scepter and a cash prize of $200,000. She is the first person of East Asian descent to win the long-running reality competition series. American drag artist Raja, who is of Dutch-Indonesian ancestry, was theĀ first “Drag Race” winner of Asian descent after taking the crown in season three.

Tsai had been quick to offer her congratulations to Wind, posting a message on Instagram just days after her victory. Less than a month later, Wind was in her office, where she performed a trio of songs in full drag ā€” Lady Gagaā€™s ā€œMarry the Night,ā€ Taiwanese singer Huang Feiā€™s ā€œChase, Chase, Chase,ā€ and Jolin Tsaiā€™s gender equality hit ā€œWomxnly,ā€ which she performed with a quintet of backup dancers in drag.Ā Ā 

ā€œI want to thank you for demonstrating your fearless beauty, standing up and breaking down barriers,ā€ Tsai said to Wind after her performance, noting that her win ā€œwill bring courage to many young people in Taiwan, so they stay fearless and stay true to their hearts.ā€

Under Tsaiā€™s leadership, Taiwan has become a bastion of liberal values, including progressive attitudes toward LGBTQ people. Among recent landmarks, Taiwan legalized same-sex marriage and adoption, and it banned conversion therapy, and the capital Taipei hosts East Asiaā€™s largest Pride festival.Ā 

ā€œThank you for your contributions to this country, so that I could grow up to be like this today,ā€ Wind told Tsai after her performance. ā€œThank you for your eight years of dedication, becoming our Taiwan mother.ā€

Tsai stepped down May 20. Her successor, Vice President Lai Ching-te, last year became the most senior government official to march in Taipeiā€™s Pride parade.


WellingtonĀ Regional Hospital (Photo courtesy of Tom Ackroyd/Wellington Regional Hospital)

Activists are calling for greater access to gender-affirming surgeries after theĀ “New Zealand Medical Journal”Ā published a report of a trans teenager who attempted a self-mastectomy at home and had to be treated at hospital.

The teenager, an 18-year-old high school student, had reportedly watched a ā€œhow toā€ video on YouTube and prepared instruments for the surgery himself. He went to the hospital hours into the surgery after he became concerned that he had damaged a nerve while attempting to remove his left breast.Ā 

Surgeons at the hospital then removed both breasts, and he was discharged a day later. The report notes that the boy reported higher confidence and self-esteem at a post-operation interview a month later. The hospitalā€™s mental health team assessed that he did not have a psychiatric disorder and was not suicidal, but that he had attempted the surgery as an act of desperation.

ā€œDue to the long wait times of referral in the public healthcare system, an inability to afford a private consultation and the significant psychological stress of having breasts at an upcoming pool party he planned to complete a bilateral (double) self-mastectomy at home,ā€ wrote the reportā€™s authors, WellingtonĀ Regional Hospital doctors Mairarangi Haimona, Sue Hui Ong, and Scott Diamond.

Gender-affirming surgeries are covered by New Zealandā€™s healthcare system, but wait times for surgeries can be lengthy ā€“ 10 years or longer for ā€œbottom surgeryā€ by the only doctor in the country who performs it.Ā 

Top surgery can be accessed in the parallel private system for around NZ $15,000 (approximately $9,200) and is generally not covered by private health insurance, putting it out of reach for many.Ā 

ā€œTransgender people often need to self-advocate for care in the public health system, but with increasing demand and associated psychological and possible physical harm itā€™s crucial for public services to be more accessible to an under-served population,ā€ the reportā€™s authors concluded.

Self-surgery is an incredibly risky option for trans people ā€” complications can range from scarring to infection to death. And the surgeries may not even work if the patient is taken to the hospital and patched up due to complications.Ā 

Te Ahi Wi-Hongi, executive director of the advocacy group Gender Minorities Aotearoa, urges any trans person considering home surgery to avoid it and ā€œhang in there.ā€

ā€œIt might seem right now itā€™s completely hopeless, but we went from a 40-year waiting list for genital reconstruction surgery to 10 years or less when in 2019 the government made changes [announcing $3 million funding for genital gender-affirming surgery],ā€ Wi-Hongi told theĀ New Zealand Herald.



Out in the World: LGBTQ news from Europe and Asia

Latviaā€™s civil unions law took effect Monday



(Los Angeles Blade graphic)

Latviaā€™s law allowing same-sex couples to form civil unions came into effect Monday, and the first queer couples have already registered their unions in the Baltic nation.

Maksims Ringo and Janis Locs were the first same-sex couple to register their civil union. They did so in a ceremony at a legal office in the capital, Riga, where they exchanged silver rings, stating that they were saving gold rings for a date when Latvia legalizes same-sex marriage.

“I feel excited, kind of emotional about it as well because it is a really big step and not only for us, for the country itself. And being first, it’s all the publicity that comes with it as well. It kind of is a bit, I would say, a bit stressful, but at the same time I feel happy that we can finally do it,ā€ Locs told Reuters.

Latvia amended its constitution to ban same-sex marriage in 2005, but in 2020, the Constitutional Court ruled that the state must give same-sex couples the same benefits that straight married couples have. In 2022, a deadline imposed by the court lapsed, and couples began applying to the courts to have their relationships recognized. 

Last year, the Latvian parliament finally passed a law formalizing same-sex civil unions, but the compromise legislation has frustrated some LGBTQ activists in the country as it leaves out key rights demanded by same-sex couples. Latviaā€™s civil unions do not allow couples to adopt children, nor do they get key inheritance rights, theyā€™re concluded at a notary office instead of at the civil registry, and the government still will not recognize foreign same-sex marriages. 

The bill was also bitterly opposed by conservative, anti-LGBTQ groups. They attempted to force a referendum to block the bill but were unable to come up with the required signatures before the legal deadline.

With legal civil unions in Latvia, all but five EU countries recognize some form of same-sex union: Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania. 

In neighboring Lithuania, a civil union bill awaits a final vote in parliament but has stalled amid infighting between liberal and conservative factions of the coalition government. This week, the liberal faction threatened to block the appointment of a European commissioner unless the conservatives agreed to pass the bill.

In Poland, the governing coalition appears to have finally agreed to pass a civil union bill, albeit one that has been watered down significantly. The resulting bill will not allow any adoption rights, nor a common surname, and will be concluded by notaries and without a ceremony rather than civil registries. The government hopes to bring the bill forward this month.

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that all member states must provide some form of civil union to same-sex couples to be in compliance with the nondiscrimination and family rights guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights. 

The French National Assembly (Public domain photo)

Voters gave a big boost to the far-right National Rally party in Sundayā€™s first-round parliamentary elections, with the Rally taking 33 percent of the vote, while the left-wing New Popular Front took 28 percent, and President Emmanuel Macronā€™s centrist Together bloc took 21 percent.

Parties are now jockeying for voter support in the second round, and NPF and Together have begun discussions at mutual endorsements to block the National Rally.

In Franceā€™s system, if no candidate in a given district wins 50 percent of the vote, the top two vote-getters, and any candidate who gets at least 12.5 percent of registered voters advances to the second round, which is decided by plurality vote. Because of higher-than-usual turnout of 67 percent, there are a large number of three-way races in the second round ā€” over 300 according to official results, when the previous record was 76. 

The left-wing NPF has announced it will withdraw any candidates who advanced and placed third on the ballot, in order to create a “republican front” against the National Rally. While Macron has not made a formal statement on withdrawing third-place candidates, his prime minister, Gabriel Attal, has called on third-place candidates to step aside.

The National Rally has a long history of campaigning against LGBTQ rights but has not made that central to its program in this election, where it has focused on pocketbook issues and rejection of immigration. The National Rally has long opposed same-sex marriage, and its current leader has campaigned and voted against allowing lesbians to access IVF and supports a bill to ban gender care for minors.

Several reports have emerged of National Rally supporters committing homophobic attacks in France. 

A group of National Rally supporters allegedly attacked a gay teenager in Paris after the results of last monthā€™s European Parliament elections were announced and National Rally was shown to win the largest number of sets. They were reported to have shouted ā€œYouā€™ll see when Bardella is in power and Hitler comes back!ā€ and ā€œIn three weeks, we will be able to smash up f*gs as much as we like. I canā€™t wait.ā€ The attackers were arrested.

A package of extreme anti-LGBTQ bills sailed through first reading in the Georgian parliament on a 78-0 vote that was boycotted by most of the countryā€™s opposition parties.

Georgia has been rocked by protests since the governing Georgian Dream party introduced a passed a ā€œforeign agentsā€ law, which requires any organization that receives funding from out of the country to register with the government as a foreign agent. The law was inspired by a similar law in Russia and was designed to undermine opposition groups, media, and nongovernmental organizations that are often critical of the government.

The anti-LGBTQ bills are an extreme package of legislation that was also inspired by Russia. The bills ban recognition of any same-sex relationships, forbid recognition of gender other than birth sex, forbid any medical treatment for gender change, and criminalize any advocacy for LGBTQ rights. The government says it hopes to pass the legislation by the fall ahead of national elections in October.

The bills are also designed to undermine the opposition, by forcing them to defend LGBTQ rights, which remain deeply controversial in the conservative Christian country. Opposition leaders have also made it clear that their boycott of the bill does not mean they support LGBTQ rights.

Both the anti-LGBTQ bills and the foreign agents bill have put the country on a collision course with the EU, which it has expressed a desire to join, and which granted it candidate status last year. 

EU accession is very popular among the Georgian public, but the Georgian Dream party is more closely aligned with Russia, and frequently demonizes the EU by equating its values with LGBTQ rights.

Last week, EU candidates Moldova and Ukraine opened formal negotiations to join the bloc, although it is expected that it will be many years before membership is granted.

Indian flag (Photo by Rahul Sapra via Bigstock)

The high court of Indiaā€™s Kerala state upheld the right of LGBTQ people to live autonomously, as it rejected a petition from the parents of a 23-year-old who sought to have their daughter committed to a mental institution to ā€œtreat her sexual orientation.ā€

The young woman had fled her family and was living with her partner, a transgender man. Her family members repeatedly attempted to violently abduct her from her new home.

The court ruled that the woman has a right to live her life on her own terms and that sexual orientation is an innate part of a personā€™s identity.

The court also directed the parents to hand over all of their daughterā€™s personal documents, which they had been withholding, in an attempt to force her to return to them, and the court warned the family against committing violence against her.

Same-sex relationships are not illegal in India, although last year the Indian Supreme Court ruled that the government does not have to recognize same-sex marriage, leaving that question to parliament.

Ten same-sex couples from Hong Kong were legally married in the U.S. over the internet this week, in a mass ceremony to celebrate Pride week.

The 10 couples took advantage of a program available through the state of Utah, which allows people to get married via an internet ceremony. 

Utah has become a go-to destination for same-sex couples seeking to get married even though they live in countries that donā€™t recognize same-sex marriage. Utah allows couples to get married even if theyā€™re not physically present in the state, while most states require couples to at least be present, if not resident in the state.

Hong Kong does not currently allow same-sex marriage, although last year its Court of Final Appeal ruled that the local government should offer some form of relationship recognition to same-sex couples within two years. That deadline comes up next September.

“In Hong Kong, thereā€™s not yet a way to go to a marriage registry to get married, but thereā€™s still this way we can offer for them to realize their dreams of getting married,ā€ wedding organizer Kurt Tung told the Associated Press.

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Toronto Pride parade cancelled after pro-Palestinian protesters disrupt it

Protest took place more than three hours after it began



The 2024 Toronto Pride parade on June 30, 2024. (Screen capture via Johnny Strides/YouTube)

Toronto Pride parade organizers on Sunday cancelled the annual event after a group of pro-Palestinian protesters disrupted it.

Media reports indicate more than two dozen protesters blocked the parade near the intersection of Yonge and Wellesley Streets, and chanted “from the river to the sea” and “Pride was a riot.”

The Toronto StarĀ reportedĀ the protesters disrupted the parade at around 5:30 p.m., more than three hours after it began. Toronto Pride around 45 minutes later announced the parade’s cancellation.

“Today, we made the decision to cancel the remainder of the Pride Parade out of our commitment to ensuring public safety,” they said in a statement. “While we deeply respect and uphold everyone’s right to peacefully protest, our foremost priority is the well-being of all participants and spectators.”

“We recognize the Pride parade as a highly anticipated event that many organizations and individuals eagerly prepare for,” it added. “We empathize with those who were looking forward to participating and regret any inconvenience caused by this decision.”

The Coalition Against Pinkwashing organized the protest.

Protesters disrupt NYC Pride parade

This yearā€™s Pride Month took place eight months after Hamas launched its surprise attack against southern Israel.

The Israeli government says Hamas militants killed roughly 1,200 people on Oct. 7, 2023, including at least 260 partygoers and others at the Nova Music Festival. The Israeli government says upwards of 80 people who were taken hostage on Oct. 7 remain alive in the Gaza Strip.

The Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry says more than 35,000 people have died in the enclave since the war began. The National LGBTQ Task Force and Outright International are among the groups that have called for a ceasefire.

The New York Daily News reported the New York Police Department on Sunday arrested 10 pro-Palestinian protesters who disrupted the city’s annual Pride parade near the Stonewall Inn. The newspaper said those who the NYPD took into custody, among other things, threw red paint onto a pickup truck inside police barricades.

The Telegraph on SaturdayĀ reportedĀ London police arrested more than 30 pro-Palestinian activists to prevent them from disrupting the city’s annual Pride parade that took place on the same day.

A Wider Bridge, a group that “advocates for justice, counters LGBTQphobia, and fights antisemitism and other forms of hatred,ā€ last month called upon Pride organizers to ensure Jewish can safely participate in their events.

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Lesbian South African MP named to country’s new Cabinet

Steve Letsike won a seat in the National Assembly on May 29



Steve Letsike (Photo courtesy of Steve Letsike)

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa on Sunday appointed lesbian MP Steve Letsike to his Cabinet.

Letsike, founder of Access Chapter 2, a South African advocacy group who is a member of the African National Congress that Ramaphosa leads, will be the country’s deputy minister of women, youth, and people with disabilities.

Letsike won a seat in the South African National Assembly in national and provincial elections that took place on May 29.

The ANC lost its parliamentary majority that it had had since Nelson Mandela in 1994 won the South African presidency in the countryā€™s first post-apartheid elections. Ramaphosa on Sunday announced Letsike and other new Cabinet members after the ANC and nine other parties agreed to form a National Unity Government.

The Washington Blade has reached out to Letsike for comment.

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